nr |
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tijdschrift |
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type |
1 |
Aflatoxin in maize, a multifaceted answer of Aspergillus flavus governed by weather, host-plant and competitor fungi
Giorni, P. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 256-262 |
artikel |
2 |
Aging of low and high amylose rice at elevated temperature: Mechanism and predictive modeling
Thanathornvarakul, Nonthacha |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 155-163 |
artikel |
3 |
Alkylresorcinol content in whole grains and pearled fractions of wheat and barley
Bordiga, Matteo |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 38-46 |
artikel |
4 |
Barley germination: Spatio-temporal considerations for designing and interpreting ‘omics’ experiments
Daneri-Castro, Sergio N. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 29-37 |
artikel |
5 |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. I |
artikel |
6 |
Can different types of resistant starch influence the in vitro starch digestion of gluten free breads?
Giuberti, Gianluca |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 253-255 |
artikel |
7 |
Changes in the structure and gelling properties of maize fiber arabinoxylans after their pilot scale extraction and spray-drying
Ayala-Soto, Fabiola E. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 275-281 |
artikel |
8 |
Chemistry, structure, functionality and applications of rice starch
Amagliani, Luca |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 291-300 |
artikel |
9 |
Depolymerization of sorghum procyanidin polymers into oligomers using HCl and epicatechin: Reaction kinetics and optimization
Qi, Yajing |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 170-176 |
artikel |
10 |
Dough mixing characteristics measured by Mixsmart software as possible predictors of bread making quality in three production regions of South Africa
Labuschagne, M.T. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 192-198 |
artikel |
11 |
Shewry, Peter |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. A1 |
artikel |
12 |
Editorial Board
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. IFC |
artikel |
13 |
Effect of fermentation and malting on the microstructure and selected physicochemical properties of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) flour and biscuit
Adebiyi, Janet Adeyinka |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 132-139 |
artikel |
14 |
Effect of storage temperatures on the head rice yield in relation to glass transition temperatures and un-freezable water
Srikaeo, Khongsak |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 164-169 |
artikel |
15 |
Effects of selected extrusion parameters on physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digestibility and β-glucan extractability of whole grain oats
Brahma, Sandrayee |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 85-90 |
artikel |
16 |
Evaluation of zein/halloysite nano-containers as reservoirs of active molecules for packaging applications: Preparation and analysis of physical properties
Gorrasi, Giuliana |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 66-71 |
artikel |
17 |
Extrusion processing characteristics of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) var. Cherry Vanilla
Kowalski, Ryan J. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 91-98 |
artikel |
18 |
Fractionation-reconstitution studies to determine the functional properties of rye flour constituents
Grossmann, Isabel |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 1-8 |
artikel |
19 |
Frozen baguette bread dough II. Textural and sensory characteristics of baked product
Rashidi, Afshin |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 9-15 |
artikel |
20 |
Functionality and characterization of kafirin-rich protein extracts from different whole and decorticated sorghum genotypes
Espinosa-Ramírez, Johanan |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 57-65 |
artikel |
21 |
Gibberellin-sensitive Rht alleles confer tolerance to heat and drought stresses in wheat at booting stage
Alghabari, Fahad |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 72-78 |
artikel |
22 |
Heritabilities of morphological and quality traits and interrelationships with yield in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) genotypes in the Mediterranean environment
De Santis, Giuditta |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 177-185 |
artikel |
23 |
Influence of sprouting and elicitation on phenolic acids profile and antioxidant activity of wheat seedlings
Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 221-228 |
artikel |
24 |
Inhibition or improvement for acidic subunits fibril aggregation formation from β-conglycinin, glycinin and basic subunits
Dong, Shi-Rong |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 263-269 |
artikel |
25 |
Investigation into the use of the amylase SD assay of milled wheat extracts as a predictor of baked bread quality
Mangan, David |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 240-246 |
artikel |
26 |
In vitro potential of phenolic phytochemicals from black rice on starch digestibility and rheological behaviors
An, Ji Soo |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 214-220 |
artikel |
27 |
Isolated rice starch fine structures and pasting properties changes during pre-germination of three Thai paddy (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars
Pinkaew, Hathairat |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 116-122 |
artikel |
28 |
Linear relations among phenological, morphological, productive and protein-nutritional traits in early maturing and super-early maturing maize genotypes
Alves, Bruna Mendonça |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 229-239 |
artikel |
29 |
Microbial transglutaminase has a lower deamidation preference than human tissue transglutaminase on a celiac disease relevant wheat gliadin T-cell epitope
Heil, Andreas |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 47-56 |
artikel |
30 |
Nutritional and physico-chemical properties of flour from native and roasted whole grain pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.]R. Br.)
Obadina, AdewaleOlusegun |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 247-252 |
artikel |
31 |
Optimization of bread firmness, specific loaf volume and sensory acceptability of bread with soluble fiber and different water levels
Mudgil, Deepak |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 186-191 |
artikel |
32 |
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of rice bran protein and its hydrolysates properties
Phongthai, Suphat |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 146-154 |
artikel |
33 |
Optimization of rice lipid production from ultrasound-assisted extraction by response surface methodology
Xu, Guangli |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 23-28 |
artikel |
34 |
Oxidation of commercial (α-type) zein with hydrogen peroxide improves its hydration and dramatically increases dough extensibility even below its glass transition temperature
Taylor, John R.N. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 108-115 |
artikel |
35 |
Phytate negatively influences wheat dough and bread characteristics by interfering with cross-linking of glutenin molecules
Park, Eun Young |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 199-206 |
artikel |
36 |
Preparation and chemical characterisation of glutenin macropolymer (GMP) gel
Mueller, Eva |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 79-84 |
artikel |
37 |
Seventy years of research into breadmaking quality
MacRitchie, F. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 123-131 |
artikel |
38 |
Starch characterization after ozone treatment of wheat grains
Gozé, Perrine |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 207-213 |
artikel |
39 |
Study on the mechanism of microwave modified wheat protein fiber to improve its mechanical properties
Liu, Cuiqing |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 99-107 |
artikel |
40 |
The influence of starch hydrolyzate on physicochemical properties of pastes and gels prepared from oat flour and starch
Berski, Wiktor |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 16-22 |
artikel |
41 |
The relationship of limit dextrinase, limit dextrinase inhibitor and malt quality parameters in barley and their genetic analysis
Huang, Yuqing |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 140-145 |
artikel |
42 |
Thermal and rheological properties of brown flour from Indica rice
Ye, Lingxu |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 270-274 |
artikel |
43 |
The use of the rapid visco analyser (RVA) in breeding and selection of cereals
Cozzolino, D. |
2016 |
70 |
C |
p. 282-290 |
artikel |