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1 |
A closer look at the bread making process and the quality of bread as a function of the degree of preharvest sprouting of wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Olaerts, Heleen |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 188-197 |
artikel |
2 |
Analysis of the natural dehydration mechanism during middle and late stages of wheat seeds development by some physiological traits and iTRAQ-based proteomic
Chen, Lulu |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 102-110 |
artikel |
3 |
Arsenic, lead and cadmium distribution in the pearled fractions of different winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.)
Giordano, Debora |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 94-101 |
artikel |
4 |
Betaine, choline and folate content in different cereal genotypes
Hefni, Mohammed E. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 72-79 |
artikel |
5 |
Comparison of pregelatinization methods on physicochemical, functional and structural properties of tartary buckwheat flour and noodle quality
Sun, Xiaojing |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 63-71 |
artikel |
6 |
Contribution of zein content and starch characteristics to vitreousness of commercial maize hybrids
Kljak, Kristina |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 57-62 |
artikel |
7 |
Editorial Board
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. ii |
artikel |
8 |
Effect of drying and ozonation process on naturally contaminated wheat seeds
Granella, Suian José |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 205-211 |
artikel |
9 |
Effect of precooking on antinutritional factors and mineral bioaccessibility in kiwicha grains
Burgos, Verónica Elizabeth |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 9-15 |
artikel |
10 |
Effect of starch modification in the whole white rice grains on physicochemical properties of two contrasting rice varieties
Nawaz, Malik Adil |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 143-149 |
artikel |
11 |
Effects of heat processing methods on protein subfractions and protein degradation kinetics in dairy cattle in relation to protein molecular structure of barley grain using advanced molecular spectroscopy
Prates, Luciana L. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 212-220 |
artikel |
12 |
Estimating genetic variation and genetic parameters for grain iron, zinc and protein concentrations in bread wheat genotypes grown in Iran
Amiri, Reza |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 16-23 |
artikel |
13 |
Evaluation of sample preparation methods for rice geographic origin classification using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Yang, Ping |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 111-118 |
artikel |
14 |
Extraction of purple corn (Zea mays L.) cob pigments and phenolic compounds using food-friendly solvents
Lao, Fei |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 87-93 |
artikel |
15 |
Finlay MacRitchie – An Appreciation
Taylor, John R.N. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. A1 |
artikel |
16 |
Fumonisins and fumonisin-producing Fusarium occurrence in wheat and wheat by products: A review
Cendoya, Eugenia |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 158-166 |
artikel |
17 |
Functional and physical properties of cookies enriched with dephytinized oat bran
Baumgartner, B. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 24-30 |
artikel |
18 |
How leaf rust disease and its control with fungicides affect dough properties, gluten quality and loaf volume under different N rates in wheat
Fleitas, María Constanza |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 119-127 |
artikel |
19 |
Identification of potential lipid binding regions in cereal proteins and peptides with the use of bioinformatics
Keller, Rob C.A. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 128-134 |
artikel |
20 |
Identification of proteins contained in aqueous extracts of wheat bran through a proteomic approach
Chaquilla-Quilca, Guadalupe |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 31-36 |
artikel |
21 |
Influence of the extraction solvent on phenolic content, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antimutagenic activities of brewers’ spent grain
Socaci, Sonia Ancuţa |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 180-187 |
artikel |
22 |
Microstructural changes to proso millet protein bodies upon cooking and digestion
Gulati, Paridhi |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 80-86 |
artikel |
23 |
Milling behavior and microstructure of rice dried using microwave set at 915 MHz frequency
Olatunde, Gbenga A. |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 167-173 |
artikel |
24 |
Optimization of supercritical fluid extraction of polyphenols from oats (Avena sativa L.) and their antioxidant activities
Escobedo-Flores, Yessica |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 198-204 |
artikel |
25 |
Profiling polyphenol composition and antioxidant activity in Australian-grown rice using UHPLC Online-ABTS system
Rao, Shiwangni |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 174-179 |
artikel |
26 |
Proteomic analysis of two malting barleys (Hordeum vulgare L.) and their impact on wort quality
Herrera-Gamboa, Jessica Giselle |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 150-157 |
artikel |
27 |
Sorption isotherm and state diagram for indica rice starch with and without soluble dietary fiber
Wan, Jie |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 44-49 |
artikel |
28 |
Stabilization of rice bran and its effect on bioactive compounds content, antioxidant activity and storage stability during infrared radiation heating
Irakli, Maria |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 135-142 |
artikel |
29 |
Tartary buckwheat malt as ingredient of gluten-free cookies
Molinari, Romina |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 37-43 |
artikel |
30 |
The quality of steam-cooked rice bread is directly linked with the level of starch gelatinization and the fluidity of fermented dough
Houngbédji, Marcel |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 1-8 |
artikel |
31 |
Use of durum wheat clear flour in vital gluten and bioethanol production
Sayaslan, Abdulvahit |
2018 |
80 |
C |
p. 50-56 |
artikel |