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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A global view of oat immunogenicity for celiac disease, from genes to cellular response Huang, Xin

119 C p.
2 Alleles at the GLI loci are reliable genetic markers with great resolution Metakovsky, E.

119 C p.
3 A multi-omics-based investigation into the regulation of phenolics in fresh maize kernels at different developmental stages Tian, Xiaomin

119 C p.
4 Corrigendum to “Ultrasonication assisted pearl millet starch-germ complexing: Evaluation of starch characteristics and its influence on glycaemic index of bread” [J. Cereal. Sci. 112 (July 2023) 103686] Vidhyalakshmi, R.

119 C p.
5 Editorial Board
119 C p.
6 Effect of exogenous protein substitution in glutinous rice cake: Batter rheology, structure, and retrogradation behavior Liu, Yingnan

119 C p.
7 Effect of ultrasound combined with exogenous protein treatment on the flushing characteristics of puffed corn flour Ye, Yang

119 C p.
8 Effects of electron beam irradiation on cooking quality and volatile components of waxy and non-waxy proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Yuan, Qiuyan

119 C p.
9 Energy-size relationship and starch modification in planetary ball milling of quinoa Sánchez, Yamila G.

119 C p.
10 From coarse to smooth: The beneficial effect of morphologically modified bran on the physical properties of bran-added dough and steamed buns Liu, Zelong

119 C p.
11 Genetic variability for end-use quality proteins in a collection of bread wheat Mediterranean landraces Yannam, Venkata Rami Reddy

119 C p.
12 How can we evaluate and predict wheat quality? Lullien-Pellerin, Valérie

119 C p.
13 Nitrogen topdressing at panicle initiation modulated nitrogen allocation between storage proteins and free nitrogenous compounds in grains of japonica rice Wang, Luqi

119 C p.
14 Quality and microstructural analysis of chickpea-enriched wheat semolina pasta using X-ray micro-computed tomography Ukoji, Obasi Ukpai

119 C p.
15 Study on the structural characteristics of wheat gluten enzymatic hydrolysates and their effect on the texturization degree of high-moisture plant-protein extrudates Dai, Huihui

119 C p.
16 The functional and nutritional properties of a novel Monascus fermented rice rich in resistant starch Jiang, Shuo

119 C p.
17 The structural-mechanical damage behavior of rice bran layer under tensile processing for moderate milling Xu, Zilong

119 C p.
18 Ultrasound-assisted process of dough for noodle production: Textural properties, moisture distribution, microstructure and cooking quality Li, Xingguo

119 C p.
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland