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                             94 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormal precipitation behavior of γ'′ phase at twin boundaries of LPBF Inconel 718 and its effect on mechanical properties Xu, Yi

215 C p.
2 Achieving back-stress strengthening at high temperature via heterogeneous distribution of nano TiBw in titanium alloy by electron beam powder bed fusion Li, Shaolong

215 C p.
3 Achieving 2.7 GPa tensile strength in ultrastrong high-carbon steel through prolonged low-temperature tempering Wang, Jian

215 C p.
4 Achieving superior compressive strength-ductility synergy in a novel ODS-CrFeNi/AlCrFeNi heterostructured high-entropy composite Li, Xiaolong

215 C p.
5 A combination strategy of strengthening for enhancing impact-resistance property in high entropy alloys Liu, Kun

215 C p.
6 Advanced Chemometric analysis of photoemission Electron microscopy imaging for detecting non-metallic inclusions in steel materials Kharbach, Mourad

215 C p.
7 A new insight into largely defocused HAADF-STEM imaging and visualization of strain field Hu, Wen-Tao

215 C p.
8 Anomalous increase of fracture toughness of TiAl-based alloys at high temperature Dong, Shulin

215 C p.
9 A novel strategy to regulate the precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition Zhang, Bin

215 C p.
10 Atomic-scale observation of the interfaces between η and γ matrix in ATI718Plus Ma, Shuan

215 C p.
11 Atomic structure of GPB-II zone and its evolution in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Si crossover alloy during aging Guo, Kehong

215 C p.
12 Clustering behaviour of pre-aged Al-Mg-Si alloy during subsequent natural ageing and paint baking Tang, Songbai

215 C p.
13 Comparative analysis of experimental techniques for microstructural characterization of novel nanostructured aluminium alloys Willenshofer, P.D.

215 C p.
14 Creep behavior of a novel ODS ferrite steel reinforced with ultra-fine Y2(Zr0.6, Ti0.4)2O7 particles Zhao, Zhenyu

215 C p.
15 Depositing WC particle coating via SMNAT contributes to a high-quality Ti2AlNb/TA2 joint of diffusion bonding at low temperature Chen, Yuqing

215 C p.
16 Editorial Board
215 C p.
17 Effect of annealing temperature on interfacial microstructure and tensile fracture behavior of titanium-steel clad plate Zhao, Guanghui

215 C p.
18 Effect of carbon content on the corrosion behavior of Ni-Co-Cr-Mo-Cu alloys in both sulfuric and hydrochloric acids Li, Chao

215 C p.
19 Effect of friction stir welding with different heat input on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and deformation behavior of twin-induced plasticity steel Qiao, Ke

215 C p.
20 Effect of post-deposition heat treatments on the microstructure and tensile properties of wire-fed electron beam directed energy deposition GH4169 Ni-based alloy Zhao, Chunzhi

215 C p.
21 Effect of prior austenite grain size on austenite reversion, bainite transformation and mechanical properties of Fe-2Mn-0.2C steel Li, Kaifang

215 C p.
22 Effect of βSn grain orientations on the electromigration-induced evolution of voids in SAC305 BGA solder joints Li, C.

215 C p.
23 Effect of solid solution heat treatment duration on microstructure evolution and the high temperature and low stress creep properties of a low-cost fourth-generation single crystal superalloy Liang, Z.Y.

215 C p.
24 Effect of strain path and short-term post-annealing on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical anisotropy of low-carbon steel Shaabani, Alireza

215 C p.
25 Effect of the alloying element Sc and Zr in 5B70 Al alloy on the microstructure, toughness and tribological properties of MAO ceramic film Wu, Mingjin

215 C p.
26 Effects of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMo0.2 high-entropy alloy prepared by wire arc additive manufacturing Shen, Qingkai

215 C p.
27 Effects of Y2O3 on the hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of Al2O3-cu/35Cr3TiB2 electrical contact composites Ma, Zipeng

215 C p.
28 Electromagnetic-mechanical response mechanism and microstructure evolution during Al-Mg electromagnetic pulse welding Wang, Xianmin

215 C p.
29 Elemental distribution and site occupancy in a Co-Ni-Al-Ti-Ta-W superalloy Zhang, Jiachen

215 C p.
30 Elevated temperature wear and friction performance of WC-CoCr/Mo and WC-Co/NiCr/Mo coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy Behera, Netrananda

215 C p.
31 Enhanced strength of Cu-Ni-Si alloy via heterogeneous nucleation at grain boundaries during homogenization Han, Seung Zeon

215 C p.
32 Evolution of cracks in laser powder bed fused AA2024 and its processing parameter dependence Gao, Jianglin

215 C p.
33 Exploring NbSi based alloys with excellent fracture toughness and oxidation resistance Xu, Fangdong

215 C p.
34 Heuristic determination of parent β matrix orientation from Burgers oriented α precipitates in Ti alloys Broderick, Thomas F.

215 C p.
35 High temperature deformation behaviour and recrystallization mechanism of TiC/Ti6Al4V gradient material fabricated by laser directed energy deposition Zhang, Yanxiao

215 C p.
36 Impact of Nb and Zr on the precipitation evolution of Laves phase and the properties of laser cladding coating of AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy Ma, Qi

215 C p.
37 Incomplete dissolved behavior and mechanical analysis of SnAgCu-SnBi composite solder structures for high-reliable package-on-package techniques Zhang, Shuai

215 C p.
38 Influence of contouring on the microstructure and micromechanical properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) processed Al6061 enhanced with reactive particles Torbati-Sarraf, Hamid

215 C p.
39 Influence of nickel plating on the welding metallurgical mechanism, microstructure, and shear performance of C101/80Au20Sn/C101 solder joints Qin, Hongbo

215 C p.
40 Influence of the direction of ferrite-austenite banding on hydrogen embrittlement of 2205 duplex stainless steel Arniella, V.

215 C p.
41 Insight into the ageing effect on incipient plasticity of non-equiatomic TiNbZr body-centered cubic multicomponent alloy via using nanoindentation experiments Xie, Binkun

215 C p.
42 In-situ analysis of the effect of residual fcc phase and special grain boundaries on the deformation dynamics in pure cobalt Knapek, Michal

215 C p.
43 In-situ synthesis of SiC/SiO2 nanowires by catalyst-free thermal evaporation of silicon powder and their photoluminescence properties Zhao, Qiqi

215 C p.
44 Interfacial behavior and damage mechanism of Al-B4C/Al laminated composites under ballistic impact Zhang, Run-Wei

215 C p.
45 Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property of the discontinuous short tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten matrix composites Chen, C.

215 C p.
46 Interfacial reaction and strengthening mechanism of thermo-compression bonding foam Ni reinforced SAC105 and SAC105–0.3Ti solder joints Wu, Chuanjiang

215 C p.
47 Intermetallic phases transition mechanism of the interface of Ti6Al4V-Inconel718 graded material by laser additive manufacturing Song, Chenchen

215 C p.
48 Investigating the role of surface contact area adjustment for enhancing interfacial heat transfer of the Cf/C-Haynes 230 joint Xue, Pengpeng

215 C p.
49 Investigation of microstructure, corrosion and mechanical properties of iron and holmium modified Sn-3.0Ag0.5Cu solder alloy with ultrasonic treatment Chen, Bin

215 C p.
50 Investigation of nanoscale dual-precipitation behavior in 4Cr16MoCu martensitic stainless steel under varied tempering temperatures Li, Jiayuan

215 C p.
51 Investigation on interfacial compound growth kinetics in Sn-0.7Cu/Cu solder joint and mechanism analysis: Experiments and molecular dynamics simulations Ma, Tao

215 C p.
52 Laser jet solder ball bonding of SAC305/Cu BGA joints: Microstructure, temperature field simulation and mechanical property Liu, Di

215 C p.
53 Low-cost Ti-6Al-4V containing low content nano-carbon solid solution for achieving high strength and good ductility Wang, Yuanmeng

215 C p.
54 Magnesium alloys with both high thermal conductivity and mechanical properties assisted by continuous squeeze casting-extrusion process Chen, Lu

215 C p.
55 Mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of BaAl2Si2O8/BN ceramic composites Cai, Delong

215 C p.
56 Mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 EHEA controlled via the coherent nano-precipitated phase during hot rolling Du, Xin

215 C p.
57 Microstructural and interfacial characteristics of supersonic reclaimed 2024Al-T3 substrate using cold sprayed 2024Al deposit Zhong, Yuan

215 C p.
58 Microstructural and material property changes in severely deformed Eurofer-97 Song, Kay

215 C p.
59 Microstructural evolution and high-temperature oxidation behavior of plasma sprayed SiC-YSZ TBCs Gong, Jianping

215 C p.
60 Microstructural modification and enhanced mechanical properties in Zr50-Ti50 alloy via low temperature electron wind force annealing Rahman, Md Hafijur

215 C p.
61 Microstructure and mechanical properties of low cost co-free high strength steel fabricated by plasma arc-based directed energy deposition Duan, Linye

215 C p.
62 Microstructure evolution and properties of multi-scale precipitate strengthened Cu-Cr-Nb alloy Gao, Lei

215 C p.
63 Microstructure evolution and surface strengthening behavior of 300 M ultrahigh strength steel under engineered surface treatments Dang, Jiaqiang

215 C p.
64 Microstructure evolution and thermal stability of L12-Al3Zr dispersoids in Al-X-Zr (X = Cu, Zn, Mg) aluminum alloys Wan, Bin

215 C p.
65 Microstructure evolvement and wear properties of Ni60-based coating by ultrasonic power-assisted laser cladding Gao, Zhong-Tang

215 C p.
66 Microstructures and compositions of nano-precipitates and reverted austenite in custom 455 stainless steel in over-aged condition studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography Sun, Guangyan

215 C p.
67 Minor element doping effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic FeNiCoCr high-entropy alloy Yin, R.

215 C p.
68 Modification and strengthening of recycled Al-Mg-Si-based alloy upon continuous rheological extrusion (CRE) forming He, Qing

215 C p.
69 Morphology and crystallography of E-(Al18Cr2Mg3) nano dispersoids in 7475 Al alloy Li, Maohua

215 C p.
70 Morphology of ceramic regulates the deposition behavior and mechanical properties of cold spray additive manufactured Al2O3/2024 aluminum matrix composites Wu, Dong

215 C p.
71 Nano-, micro- and macro-indentation tests of thermal spray WC-Ni coatings with lamellar microstructure at different particle deposition temperatures Yuan, J.R.

215 C p.
72 Natural aging-induced nanoprecipitation and its impact on tensile properties of Al–Si–Cu–Mg cast alloy Lee, Sang-Hwa

215 C p.
73 New insights on microstructural parameters controlling mechanical properties of rolled molybdenum Li, Xingyu

215 C p.
74 On the visibility of GP-zones in 6xxx Al alloys in atomic LAADF-STEM Hell, Christoph M.

215 C p.
75 Physical properties of La3+ ion doped NiZn based spinel ferrite nanomaterials for technological applications Arshad, Maria

215 C p.
76 Plasma spraying in-situ TiC reinforced AlCoCrFeNi composite coatings: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties under post-annealing Wang, Liangquan

215 C p.
77 Preparation of Nano twin copper foil with high elongation and excellent suppression self-annealing via pulse superposition direct current method Song, Ning

215 C p.
78 Process optimization and microstructure of Ti3Zr1.5NbVAl0.25 high entropy alloy produced by directed energy deposition Xiao, Bang

215 C p.
79 Revisiting Ag addition in 7xxx aluminum alloys: Insights into its impact on the microstructure and properties of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy with a Zn/Mg ratio of 4 Akuata, Chijioke Kenneth

215 C p.
80 Sample size effect phenomenon in microcompression testing of unirradiated and ion-irradiated 800H steel at high temperatures Prasitthipayong, A.

215 C p.
81 Segmentation and Classification of Fission as Pores in Reactor Iirradiated Annular U10Zr Metallic Fuel Using Machine Learning Models Tang, Yalei

215 C p.
82 Solidification path and precipitation mechanism of a Ni-Cr-co-Mo based heat-resistant alloy Chen, Kun

215 C p.
83 Study of distribution of B and N using auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and atom probe tomography (APT) techniques, in modified 9Cr1Mo steels with controlled addition of these elements Rejeesh, R.

215 C p.
84 Study on microstructure evolution mechanism and inhomogeneous characteristic of 2219 aluminum alloy in hot flow forming Wang, Fengqi

215 C p.
85 Superior passivation capability for biomedical-grade CoCrMo alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion with nitrogen doping Dai, Kunjie

215 C p.
86 Superplastic deformation behaviors of fine-grained Ti-15 V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn alloy prepared via ultra-low heat input friction stir processing Han, Peng

215 C p.
87 Synergistic effect of NiCr-Cr3C2 + Y2O3 to enhanced performance of Ti-based composite fabricated by laser cladding Zhang, Zhiqiang

215 C p.
88 The effect of laser scanning strategy on NiTi shape memory alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion Wang, Cheng

215 C p.
89 The effect of LaSi2 content on the powder characteristics and coating structure of ZrB2-SiC He, Siyuan

215 C p.
90 The influence of hydrogen on the recrystallization texture of a face centered cubic metal Ren, He

215 C p.
91 The origin of good mechanical and soft magnetic properties in a CoFeNi-based high-entropy alloy with hierarchical structure Lu, Tiwen

215 C p.
92 Titanium doping levels and their effects on FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloys: From microstructure to performance Zhang, Li

215 C p.
93 Unveiling the kinetics of interphase and random quaternary NbTi precipitations, and strengthening mechanism of HSLA steel Liu, Gang

215 C p.
94 Yttrium induced formation of new pores in an as-cast nickel-based single crystal superalloy Wang, N.

215 C p.
                             94 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland