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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Preliminary Analysis of Equivalence-Based Instruction to Train Instructors to Implement Discrete Trial Teaching Cariveau, Tom

29 4 p. 787-805
2 A Structured Intervention to Increase Response Allocation to Instructional Settings for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Cariveau, Tom

29 4 p. 699-716
3 At the Intersection of Derived Relations and Observational Learning: Teaching Fraction–Percentage Relations Verdun, Victoria R.

29 4 p. 741-762
4 Effects of Error-Contingent Prompts Depend on Temporal Arrangement of Stimuli in Symbolic Matching to Sample Gee, Providence A.

29 4 p. 657-674
5 Improving Compliance in Primary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Imasaka, Tsuyoshi

29 4 p. 763-786
6 Targeted and Intensive Consultation for Increasing Head Start and Elementary Teachers’ Behavior-Specific Praise LaBrot, Zachary C.

29 4 p. 717-740
7 Training of Paraprofessionals by Their Classroom Teachers: A Descriptive Evaluation of Pyramidal Training Outcomes Lerman, Dorothea C.

29 4 p. 675-698
8 Universal TCIT Improves Teacher–Child Interactions and Management of Child Behavior Fawley, Kara D.

29 4 p. 635-656
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland