Práticas didático-pedagógicas de empreendedorismo em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nacionais e internacionais.
Práticas didático-pedagógicas de empreendedorismo em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nacionais e internacionais.
Daniel Christian Henrique Sieglinde Kindl da Cunha
Verschenen in:
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Jaargang 9 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 112-136
The aim of this article is to provide state-of-the-art didactic-pedagogical practicesused in the entrepreneurship education of national and foreign under graduationand graduation courses and to prove or refute them through the practices adoptedby a post-graduation course in Business Management of a university at Curitiba.Firstly, a historic description of the entrepreneurship education in the universitieshas been developed as well as its importance in the social economic developmentof the countries and in the generation of innovations, followed by an explanationof its current situation in the world and in Brazil. In a second stage was outlinedthe methodology, seeking analyze the main publications on the topic of entrepreneurshipeducation. They were searched in all its contents of the publication, theannals: Enanpad and Egepe; and international periodics: Journal of Business Venturingand Education + Training. They were reviewed, although, publications of theauthors of domestic and foreign most authoritative on the subject, as well as otherimportant international journals that address the topic of entrepreneurial training,but not through a general review of publications. The main results show that: theuniversities are implementing the entrepreneurship education in their curriculargrades using more efficient didactic-pedagogical practices, but not putting aside,in most of the times, the traditional methods of education; the professor thereforeshall establish a balance between the roles of facilitating and teaching in the processof learning; the professors’ former experience and work in small companieswill help the students in the process of learning and undertaking. However, it isimportant to mention, that the incubators are essential for the implementation ofthe business plans developed by the students.