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  Changing the Public Perception of Physiotherapeutic Treatment
Titel: Changing the Public Perception of Physiotherapeutic Treatment
Auteur: Sheppard, Lorraine
Verschenen in: Health marketing quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (1995) nr. 2 pagina's 77-96
Jaar: 1995-02-22
Inhoud: Market research was undertaken to establish the public perception of physiotherapy. Using this market research strategic recommendations for the future marketing of physiotherapy. The market research involved a qualitative study of five focus groups of the general public and one focus group of physiotherapists. The responses from the focus groups were used to construct an appropriate questionnaire for the qualitative study. A random sample of 510 members of the general public were then surveyed. The market research results yielded the following key features: The best known conditions treated by physiotherapists are musculoskeletal. The least known are women and children; Client-centered care is sought. The importance of location gives portential for physiotherapists to capitalise on tailoring to clients in their area; Doctors are important for referral and communication about physiotherapy. Marketing should be used to inform doctors of what physiotherapy has to offer; A marketing orientation has begun within physiotherapy; however, it must 'fit' the culture initially to be successul. A marketing strategy should be developed on national, state, and individual levels based on a strategic intent. At the state level, strategies must be responsive to area or regional needs. Marketing needs to target identified market segments such as workers compensation organisations. Individual physiotherapists must promote themselves within their region, particularly to doctors and clients with the use of relationship markieting. Informal presentations to community groups and school students about physiotherapy will increase their profile.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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