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1 Board Composition and Performance in Spanish Non-Listed Family Firms: The Influence of Type of Directors and Ceo Duality* Cabrera-Suárez, M Katiuska

18 4 p. 213-229
2 Diversification and Control in Emerging Markets: The Case of Chilean Firms* Jara-Bertin, Mauricio

18 4 p. 259-274
3 How Different Formal Institutions Affect Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurship Fuentelsaz, Lucio

18 4 p. 246-258
4 Politically Connected Firms in Spain Pérez, Silvia Guerra

18 4 p. 230-245
5 The Effect of Culture in Forming E-Loyalty Intentions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis between Argentina and Spain Gracia, Daniel Belanche

18 4 p. 275-292
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands