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                             35 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute effect of meal glycemic index and glycemic load on blood glucose and insulin responses in humans Galgani, José
5 1 artikel
2 Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of agaro-oligosaccharides in vitro and in vivo Chen, Haimin
5 1 artikel
3 A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people: the Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636] Alan, Dangour D
5 1 artikel
4 Case report of 5 siblings: malnutrition? Rickets? DiGeorge syndrome? Developmental delay? Cundiff, David K
5 1 artikel
5 Changes in dietary pattern in 15 year old adolescents following a 4 month dietary intervention with school breakfast – a pilot study Ask, Anne S
5 1 artikel
6 Consumption of resistant starch decreases postprandial lipogenesis in white adipose tissue of the rat Higgins, Janine A
5 1 artikel
7 Development of a healthy biscuit: an alternative approach to biscuit manufacture Boobier, WJ
5 1 artikel
8 Dietary and other lifestyle correlates of serum folate concentrations in a healthy adult population in Crete, Greece: a cross-sectional study Hatzis, Christos M
5 1 artikel
9 Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, overweight, and obese college females Malinauskas, Brenda M
5 1 artikel
10 Effect of a mixture of micronutrients, but not of bovine colostrum concentrate, on immune function parameters in healthy volunteers: a randomized placebo-controlled study Wolvers, Danielle AW
5 1 artikel
11 Efficacy of iron fortification compared to iron supplementation among Vietnamese schoolchildren Thi Le, Huong
5 1 artikel
12 Energy expenditure of acutely ill hospitalised patients Gariballa, Salah
5 1 artikel
13 Evaluation of nutritional status in children with refractory epilepsy Bertoli, S
5 1 artikel
14 Exercise and functional foods Aoi, Wataru
5 1 artikel
15 Food composition database development for between country comparisons Merchant, Anwar T
5 1 artikel
16 Homocysteine and cognitive impairment; a case series in a General Practice setting McCaddon, Andrew
5 1 artikel
17 Low carbohydrate diets in family practice: what can we learn from an internet-based support group Feinman, Richard D
5 1 artikel
18 Nucleotide supplementation: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial of IntestAidIB in people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [ISRCTN67764449] Dancey, CP
5 1 artikel
19 Nutritional supplements and infection in the elderly: why do the findings conflict? Sternberg, Saul
5 1 artikel
20 Nutritional therapy and infectious diseases: a two-edged sword Donabedian, Haig
5 1 artikel
21 Nutrition rehabilitation of undernourished children utilizing Spiruline and Misola Simpore, Jacques
5 1 artikel
22 Pathogen detection, testing, and control in fresh broccoli sprouts Fahey, Jed W
5 1 artikel
23 Patterns of clinical presentation of adult coeliac disease in a rural setting Jones, Sián
5 1 artikel
24 Renal lithiasis and nutrition Grases, Felix
5 1 artikel
25 Reported food intake and distribution of body fat: a repeated cross-sectional study Krachler, Benno
5 1 artikel
26 Severe malnutrition with and without HIV-1 infection in hospitalised children in Kampala, Uganda: differences in clinical features, haematological findings and CD4+ cell counts Bachou, Hanifa
5 1 artikel
27 Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects Blair, Robert M
5 1 artikel
28 Soy protein supplementation does not cause lymphocytopenia in postmenopausal women Soung, Do Y
5 1 artikel
29 Test-retest reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and estimated effects on disease risk in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) Parr, Christine L
5 1 artikel
30 The capacity of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides to stimulate faecal bifidobacteria: a dose-response relationship study in healthy humans Bouhnik, Yoram
5 1 artikel
31 The effect of the Thanksgiving Holiday on weight gain Hull, Holly R
5 1 artikel
32 The feasibility and utility of grocery receipt analyses for dietary assessment Martin, Sarah Levin
5 1 artikel
33 The positive impact of red palm oil in school meals on vitamin A status: study in Burkina Faso Zeba, Augustin N
5 1 artikel
34 Validating MOSPA questionnaire for measuring physical activity in Pakistani women Iqbal, Romaina
5 1 artikel
35 36 year old man presenting with pancreatitis and a history of recent commencement of orlistat case report Napier, Sarah
5 1 artikel
                             35 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland