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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A literature-based study on the water–energy–food nexus for sustainable development de Andrade Guerra, José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório

35 1 p. 95-116
2 A proposal of a balanced scorecard to the water, energy and food nexus approach: Brazilian food policies in the context of sustainable development goals Pereira Ribeiro, João Marcelo

35 1 p. 129-146
3 A temporal perspective to dam management: influence of dam life and threshold fishery conditions on the energy-fish tradeoff Song, Cuihong

35 1 p. 83-94
4 Evaluating the potentials of cropping adjustment for groundwater conservation and food production in the piedmont region of the North China Plain Ren, Dandan

35 1 p. 117-128
5 Exploring the urban water-energy-food nexus under environmental hazards within the Nile Elagib, Nadir Ahmed

35 1 p. 21-41
6 Identification of the interactions and feedbacks among watershed water-energy balance dynamics, hydro-meteorological factors, and underlying surface characteristics Wei, Xiaoting

35 1 p. 69-81
7 Optimization of agricultural water–food–energy nexus in a random environment: an integrated modelling approach Li, Mo

35 1 p. 3-19
8 Synergetic change of water, energy and food in China: quantitative description and challenges Ma, Liming

35 1 p. 43-68
9 Water and energy circulation characteristics and their impacts on water stress at the provincial level in China Hong, Siyang

35 1 p. 147-164
10 Water-energy-food nexus: challenges and opportunities Sivakumar, Bellie

35 1 p. 1-2
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland