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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Determination of the glycoalkaloids α-solanine and α-chaconine levels in 18 varieties of potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) grown in Oman Eltayeb, Elsadig A.

46 1-2 p. 57-66
2 Early blight in South Africa: Knowledge, attitudes and control practices of potato growers Van Der Waals, Jacquie E.

46 1-2 p. 27-37
3 Effect of fertilisation, development stage, mechanical impact and heating during processing on subsurface hardening in pre-peeled potatoes (Solarium tuberosum L.) Kaack, K.

46 1-2 p. 81-94
4 Potato tuber sugars, starch and organic acids in relation to ozone exposure Piikki, Kristin

46 1-2 p. 67-79
5 Screening potatoes for resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) under field conditions Gopal, J.

46 1-2 p. 47-56
6 Sprouting of seed tubers during cold storage and its influence on tuber formation, flowering and the duration of the life cycle in a diploid population of potato Celis-Gamboa, Carolina

46 1-2 p. 9-25
7 Survey ofPhytophthora infestans populations in Serbia: Mating type, metalaxyl resistance and virulence properties Ivanović, Miroslav

46 1-2 p. 39-45
8 The effects of volatile oils on in vitro potato sprout growth Baydar, H.

46 1-2 p. 1-8
9 The influence of storage conditions on physical and physiological characteristics of Shepody potatoesa Olsen, Nora

46 1-2 p. 95-103
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland