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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Brain knowledge and predictors of neuromyths among teachers in Morocco Janati Idrissi, Abdelkrim

20 C p.
2 Children's neural responses to a novel mathematics concept Clark, Caron A.C.

20 C p.
3 Congenital amusia and academic performance among Colombian university students Pradilla, Iván

20 C p.
4 Difficulties in retrieval multiplication facts: The case of interference to reconsolidation Katzoff, Ayelet

20 C p.
5 Fit to Study: Reflections on designing and implementing a large-scale randomized controlled trial in secondary schools Wheatley, Catherine

20 C p.
6 Hey teachers! Do not leave them kids alone! Envisioning schools during and after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic Poletti, Michele

20 C p.
7 Masked education? The benefits and burdens of wearing face masks in schools during the current Corona pandemic Spitzer, Manfred

20 C p.
8 Memory-related cognitive load effects in an interrupted learning task: A model-based explanation Wirzberger, Maria

20 C p.
9 Neurophilia is stronger for educators than students in Brazil Luiz, Ingrid

20 C p.
10 Synaptic plasticity in neurological deficit as a form of indemnification: The utility of analogical reasoning Schachter, Madeleine

20 C p.
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland