nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
Acute changes in FKBP5 methylation: A novel measure of glucocorticoid sensitivity
Abercrombie, Heather C. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S15 |
artikel |
2 |
Acute psychological stress and ccf-mtDNA reactivity: Psycho-physiological profiles of high responders using multivariate classification algorithms
Trumpff, Caroline |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S38-S39 |
artikel |
3 |
A multidimensional perspective of the effects of a mindfulness intervention on the well-being of early childhood teachers
Hatton-Bowers, Holly Nichole |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S9-S10 |
artikel |
4 |
Are we good judges of our stress? A study of the association between subjective reports of stress and physiological stress markers
Lupien, Sonia J. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S57 |
artikel |
5 |
Association between brain thickness and genomic propensity for late puberty in youth
Lee, Yoojin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S25-S26 |
artikel |
6 |
Association between chronotype and body mass index: Role of C-reactive protein and the cortisol response to stress
de Punder, Karin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S39 |
artikel |
7 |
Association between psychological stress and cortisol during pregnancy. Results: from an EMA study
Lazarides, Claudia |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S16 |
artikel |
8 |
Association between striatal activation to reward cues and testosterone reactivity in healthy adolescents
Lee, Yoojin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S25 |
artikel |
9 |
Associations among maternal socioeconomic status in childhood and pregnancy and hair cortisol in pregnancy
Enlow, Michelle Bosquet |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S53 |
artikel |
10 |
Associations between biological variables involved in estrogen signaling in pre- and post- menopausal women – Findings from the women 40+ healthy aging study
Gardini, Elena Silvia |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S29 |
artikel |
11 |
Associations between maternal cortisol during pregnancy, methylation of glucocorticoid regulatory genes, and infant stress physiology at 12 months
Wiley, Kyle Steven |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S18 |
artikel |
12 |
Associations of salivary adiponectin and body fat percentage to depression, anxiety and stress
Bolgiano, Madison |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S31 |
artikel |
13 |
Attachment security moderates effects of uncontrollable stress on preadolescent HPA responses: Evidence of regulatory fit
Bendezu, Jason Jose |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S26 |
artikel |
14 |
BDNF predicts retreat-related increases in telomere length in experienced meditators
Conklin, Quinn A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S11 |
artikel |
15 |
BDNF Val66Met genotype moderates the impact of rumination on cortisol awakening response and subjective well-being
Duman, Elif Aysimi |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S32-S33 |
artikel |
16 |
BDNF, VEGF, and EGF in stress-related disorders
Dahlman, Anna Sjors |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S33 |
artikel |
17 |
Best practice and current advice on measuring cortisol reactivity
Miller, Robert |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S51-S52 |
artikel |
18 |
Bidirectional effect of early adversity on epigenetic ageing in children: Mediation by C-reactive protein and moderation by FKBP5 gene and cortisol status
Dammering, Felix |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S49 |
artikel |
19 |
Biopsychosocial determinants of sexual function in middle-aged and elderly females – findings from the women 40+ healthy aging study
Mernone, Laura |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S42 |
artikel |
20 |
Boosting extinction success with a stressor: Timing is critical
Wolf, Oliver T. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S64 |
artikel |
21 |
Brain imaging reveals circuit changes following early-life unpredictability across species
Granger, S. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S41 |
artikel |
22 |
Can I help you? Effects of acute stress on emotional states and social support quality
Nitschke, Jonas P. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S34 |
artikel |
23 |
Can placental corticotropin-releasing hormone inform timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration?
Swales, Danielle A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S46 |
artikel |
24 |
Case-control study of cognitive and communicative development in premature infants
Kotusov, Akeksandr |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S19 |
artikel |
25 |
Childhood adversity and levels of cortisol and DHEA in adolescence
van Dammen, Lotte |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S47 |
artikel |
26 |
Chronic adolescent stress alters learning and cognition in adult female rats
Hyer, Molly M. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S36 |
artikel |
27 |
Chronic perceived stress and hair cortisol differentially relate to cognitive functioning across adulthood
Oumohand, Sadia E. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S15 |
artikel |
28 |
Clinical correlates of allostatic load in first-episode psychosis: focus on cognition
Misiak, Blazej |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S30-S31 |
artikel |
29 |
Cognitive and systemic sensitivity to glucocorticoids in women with varying levels of depression and early adverse caregiving
Gaffey, Allison |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S22-S23 |
artikel |
30 |
Combined metabolite and lipid fingerprinting in women with childhood maltreatment reveals biomarkers linked to inflammation and oxidative stress
Karabatsiakis, Alexander |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S23 |
artikel |
31 |
Comparing measures of biological age on morbidity and functional outcomes in a nationally representative sample of US adults
Hastings, Waylon James |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S14 |
artikel |
32 |
Cortisol and α-amylase assessment in psychotherapeutic intervention studies: A systematic review
Laufer, Sebastian |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S55-S56 |
artikel |
33 |
Cortisol diurnal dynamic range but not total cortisol secretion is associated with chronic inflammation
Seligman, Benjamin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S38 |
artikel |
34 |
Cortisol response to stress among adults maltreated as children: Can we make sense of responses riding off in all directions?
Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S58 |
artikel |
35 |
Cultural neurobiology and the family: Evidence from the daily lives of Latino adolescents
Doane, Leah D. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S60 |
artikel |
36 |
Curt Richter Award Plenary: Inside the effects of exercise: from cellular to psychological benefit
Lupien, Sonia |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S1 |
artikel |
37 |
Daily variations in cortisol awakening response and physical activity in children
Naya, Christine Hotaru |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S27 |
artikel |
38 |
Deconstructing the cortisol awakening response: pulsatility, magnitude and salience
Evans, Phil |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S50 |
artikel |
39 |
Developmental mechanisms of preschool irritability and multifinality in early adolescence: The role of diurnal cortisol
Kessel, Ellen |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S44 |
artikel |
40 |
Developmental origins of the human hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Peterson, Gage |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S17 |
artikel |
41 |
DHEA/Cortisol Ratios moderate the association between negative life events and internalizing psychopathology in adolescence
Roberts, Andrea |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S62 |
artikel |
42 |
DHEA moderates the impact of early trauma on the HPA axis response
Taylor-Cavelier, Sarah |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S62 |
artikel |
43 |
Difference between caregiver and victim reported early life stressors on physiological responses: A meta-analytic review
Shin, Jamie So Yen |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S20 |
artikel |
44 |
Differences in development of neurocognitive functions in premature and healthy full-term infants
Kiselev, Sergey |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S20 |
artikel |
45 |
Discrepancies between cortisol reactivity and subjective responses to stress: Implications for pre-adolescent coping and internalizing
Zegarac, Miriam |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S26 |
artikel |
46 |
Diurnal and reactive cortisol in special forces and field police officers receiving intensive tactical resilience training
Chan, Jennifer Frances |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S4 |
artikel |
47 |
Do burnout and depression show different sleep quality patterns and how does cortisol influence this association?
Rothe, Nicole |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S37 |
artikel |
48 |
Does a nine-month contemplative mental training intervention in healthy adults influence leukocyte telomere length?
Puhlmann, Lara Marie Christine |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S3 |
artikel |
49 |
Does working on-call from home affect salivary alpha-amylase profiles?
Hall, Sarah J. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S12 |
artikel |
50 |
Dysregulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in healthy participants visually dependent in postural control
Smyth, Nina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S30 |
artikel |
51 |
Early-life adversity and dysregulation of adult diurnal cortisol rhythm
Karlamangla, Arun S. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S21 |
artikel |
52 |
Early life stress and the pathogenesis of depression
Kuhlman, Kate R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S51 |
artikel |
53 |
Early stress, deprivation, and threat as predictors of cortisol, DHEA, and cortisol/DHEA ratios in adolescence
Peckins, Melissa |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S62 |
artikel |
54 |
Effects of childhood trauma on the cortisol and testosterone stress response are mediated by life history strategy
Zakreski, Ellen |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S21-S22 |
artikel |
55 |
Effects of participating in a ballet production
Fontenot, Rheanna Claire |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S12 |
artikel |
56 |
Effects of psychotherapeutic treatment on cortisol and alpha-amylase concentrations: An investigation in soldiers of the German Armed Forces suffering from PTSD
Schumacher, Sarah |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S56 |
artikel |
57 |
Elevated C-reactive protein levels in children aged 3–5 years with verified exposure to maltreatment: Sex differences and association with depressive symptoms
de Punder, Karin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S23-S24 |
artikel |
58 |
Elevated levels of salivary huntingtin protein in Huntington's disease patients
Thomas, Elizabeth |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S7 |
artikel |
59 |
Emotion regulation in the face of stress - Investigating reappraisal inventiveness as a potential resilience mechanism
Zeier, Peter |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S5 |
artikel |
60 |
Empowerment, stress and depression among female survivors of domestic violence
Garcia, Esmeralda R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S11 |
artikel |
61 |
Enduring effect of early adversity on the HPA axis: The hypothesized moderating role of severity of experiences on cortisol reactivity and chronic secretion
Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S54 |
artikel |
62 |
ERBRs and long-term stress in preschool-aged children
Sajaniemi, Nina Kristiina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S27 |
artikel |
63 |
Evidence for involvement of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis in memory consolidation via an HPA-modulatory circuit
Radley, Jason J. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S63 |
artikel |
64 |
Exploratory analyses on racial differences in diurnal cortisol and risk-taking behavior in gambling disorder
McMullin, Sara D. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S2 |
artikel |
65 |
Feeling like a winner: Affective state, emotional state, and hormone monitoring in division I athletes
Aldret, Randy L. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S11-S12 |
artikel |
66 |
Female wistar rats with a history of chronic adolescent stress demonstrate decreased hippocampal DNA methylation in adulthood
Shaw, Gladys A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S25 |
artikel |
67 |
Gestational hormone exposures predict maternal-fetal attachment
Howland, Mariann |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S17 |
artikel |
68 |
Glucose metabolism parameters and cognitive functioning in recent onset psychosis
Labad, Javier |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S31 |
artikel |
69 |
Glutamate, inflammation, and cognition as predictors of psychological therapy outcome in bipolar disorder II
King, Sinéad |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S55 |
artikel |
70 |
Growing up during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The interplay of sense of coherence and the psychological and psychoendocrine consequences of traumatic stress
Schindler, Lena |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S2-S3 |
artikel |
71 |
Habituation to the Cold Pressor Test
Leger, Alyssa |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S14 |
artikel |
72 |
Heart rate variability as a predictor of cognitive decline: the Whitehall II cohort study
Jandackova, Vera K. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S30 |
artikel |
73 |
High DHEA/Cortisol Ratios in youth at familial risk for depression with a history of trauma
Micol, Valerie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S61-S62 |
artikel |
74 |
High fructose diet impairs learning and alters microglia in adult male, but not females, rats
Hyer, Molly M. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S58 |
artikel |
75 |
Hormonal concentrations early post-trauma influence posttraumatic stress disorder symptom development and the effects of a preventive pharmacological intervention
Engel, Sinha |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S56-S57 |
artikel |
76 |
How our past colors our present: Histories of discrimination predict changes in current negative social evaluative emotion and diurnal cortisol
Hittner, Emily F. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S60 |
artikel |
77 |
How strong is the evidence linking stress reactivity with future health and disease outcomes?—A systematic review of prospective evidence
Turner, Anne |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S52-S53 |
artikel |
78 |
How unpredictable, fragmented early-life experiences sculpt the developing brain
Short, Annabel |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S40 |
artikel |
79 |
HPA-axis genetics modulate the effect of early life stress on emotion recognition in healthy adults
Hartling, Corinna |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S5-S6 |
artikel |
80 |
Impact of childhood maltreatment on depressive symptoms in young male adults: The role of the HPA axis and coping strategies
Cantave, Yamiley Christina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S21 |
artikel |
81 |
Impact of stress on fear extinction learning and recall
Peyrot, Clémence |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S35 |
artikel |
82 |
Incorporating diurnal slope information to process cortisol reactivity to Trier Social Stress Task
Chen, Frances R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S12-S13 |
artikel |
83 |
Increased cortisol reactivity predicts cognitive impairment not dementia during aging: a follow-up study
Alves, Andrea Regiani |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S28 |
artikel |
84 |
Inflammatory biomarkers in individuals exposed to early life stress: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Kainth, Priya |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S22 |
artikel |
85 |
Interindividual differences promoting stress resilience
Meine, Laura |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S5 |
artikel |
86 |
Intermittent hypoxia improves alterations of noradrenaline content and MAO-A activity induced by post-traumatic stress disorder in rats cerebral cortex
Tseylikman, Vadim |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S31-S32 |
artikel |
87 |
Interpersonal attunement in the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis: A review and meta-analysis
Ha, Thao |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S7 |
artikel |
88 |
Intrasexual competition and its psychobiological underpinnings – findings from the women 40+ healthy aging study
Fiacco, Serena |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S43 |
artikel |
89 |
Invited symposium: How early-life experiences sculpt brain circuits to promote resilience or vulnerability: From the bench to the clinic
Baram, Tallie Z. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S39 |
artikel |
90 |
ISPNE Award Plenary: Lifetime Achievement Award Address
Yim, Ilona |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S1 |
artikel |
91 |
ISPNE Opening Plenary: Creating lasting memories – Involvement of stress hormones and amygdala activation
Quas, Jodi |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S1 |
artikel |
92 |
Is the subjective cognitive decline an indirect measure of stress burden? A combined assessment of allostatic load, cortisol reactivity and perceived stress among older adults
Matos, Tatiane Martins |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S29 |
artikel |
93 |
Is the Trier Social Stress Test used similarly across studies: A systematic review of the methodology
Linares, Nicolas Francisco Narvaez |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S14 |
artikel |
94 |
Late-phase effects of acute stress on sensitivity of reward system
Yamakawa, Kaori |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S36 |
artikel |
95 |
Latino adolescents’ physiological responses to the 2016 U.S. presidential election
Zeiders, Katharine H. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S60-S61 |
artikel |
96 |
Levels of cortisol and oxytocin in peripheral blood interact with adverse childhood experiences to predict immune cell mitochondrial respiration in postpartum women
Gumpp, Anja Maria |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S24 |
artikel |
97 |
Light at night influences neuroinflammation and metabolism
Nelson, Randy J. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S59 |
artikel |
98 |
Maternal depression symptoms predict general liability for child psychopathology and internalizing specific risk
Swales, Danielle A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S9 |
artikel |
99 |
Maternal depressive symptoms moderate the association between hair cortisol concentration and infant corpus callosum integrity
Mustonen, Paula |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S53-S54 |
artikel |
100 |
Maternal experiences of discrimination moderates dual axis coupling in African American youth
Phan, Jenny |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S2 |
artikel |
101 |
Maternal mood patterns predict child psychopathology risk
Glynn, Laura M. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S40 |
artikel |
102 |
Maternal sensitivity moderates the effect of environmental risk on infant's diurnal cortisol regulation
Frost, Allison |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S43 |
artikel |
103 |
Maternal stress during pregnancy predicts methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1) in borderline personality disorder
Schwarze, Cornelia E. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S18 |
artikel |
104 |
Metabolic responses to the Trier Social Stress Test
Dahlman, Anna Sjors |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S16-S17 |
artikel |
105 |
Metabolomics profiling of the effect of lifestyle intervention in obese children
Klein, Theo |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S8-S9 |
artikel |
106 |
Me, You, and T: The effects of prenatal and endogenous testosterone on empathic abilities
Nitschke, Jonas P. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S20 |
artikel |
107 |
Mindfulness training during pregnancy has positive effect on development of visuospatial abilities in children
Kiselev, Sergey |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S11 |
artikel |
108 |
Mitochondrial modulation of LPS-induced inflammation and glucocorticoid sensitivity in human blood
Karan, Kalpita R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S49-S50 |
artikel |
109 |
Modeling the age-varying link between smoking and telomere length in a large sample of US adults
Mayer, Laura |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S29 |
artikel |
110 |
Neonatal paternal deprivation disrupts endocrine-immune balance in adult California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
Glasper, Erica R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S59 |
artikel |
111 |
Neuroendocrine function and mitochondrial DNA copy number alterations with early stress and psychopathology
Ridout, Kathryn K. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S51 |
artikel |
112 |
Neutrophils and mediating glucocorticoids as potential link between adverse life events and increased risk for disease
Penz, Marlene Sophie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S38 |
artikel |
113 |
OXTR brain tissue expression quantitative locus rs237895 moderates the association between maternal childhood maltreatment and non-optimal maternal behavior with implications for offspring socio-emotional development and attachment security
Toepfer, Philipp |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S48 |
artikel |
114 |
Paper session: Diversity science oral presentations
Riis, Jenna |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S44 |
artikel |
115 |
Paper session: Resilience and intervention science oral presentations
Yim, Ilona |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S46 |
artikel |
116 |
Paper session: Translational science oral presentations
Kuhlman, Kate |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S48 |
artikel |
117 |
Parental depression moderates the relationships between cortisol, testosterone, and children's symptoms
Black, Sarah |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S44 |
artikel |
118 |
Parental hostility predicts elevated cortisol reactivity in preschool age children
Taylor, Maddison Lee |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S24 |
artikel |
119 |
Parents daily demands influence adolescent's diurnal cortisol
Mercado, Evelyn |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S61 |
artikel |
120 |
Peer victimization and the inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein: A meta-analytic review
Sara, Afrida Anwar |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S39 |
artikel |
121 |
Peripheral BDNF levels in humans are reactive to acute psycho-social stress and negatively relate to salivary cortisol
Linz, Roman |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S6 |
artikel |
122 |
Physiological stress reactivity and health symptoms in children and adolescents: The value of a multi-system approach
Quas, Jodi A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S57-S58 |
artikel |
123 |
Physiologic reactivity to and recovery from acute social-evaluative stress: Differential associations with preadolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems
Wadsworth, Martha |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S28 |
artikel |
124 |
Plasma oxytocin is positively associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in expectant mothers
Saxbe, Darby |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S15 |
artikel |
125 |
Plenary: Christine Dunkel Schetter (UCLA) – Testing plausible biological models in diverse community samples: An expert panel
Yim, Ilona |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S59 |
artikel |
126 |
Plenary: Michelle Craske (UCLA) – Neuroscience informed treatments for anxiety and depression
Kuhlman, Kate |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S44 |
artikel |
127 |
Polymorphisms in genes related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and antidepressant response – systematic review
Fischer, Susanne |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S55 |
artikel |
128 |
Positive memory recall reduces cognitive and neuroendocrine vulnerability to depression
Askelund, Adrian Dahl |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S47 |
artikel |
129 |
Post-encoding stress produces memory- and cortisol-related changes in functional connectivity with the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex
Shields, Grant S. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S35 |
artikel |
130 |
Poster Reception: Welcome Reception and Poster Session
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S1 |
artikel |
131 |
Poverty and family conflict impact cortisol reactivity, differentially by timing of stressor
Johnson, Lisa Emily |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S24-S25 |
artikel |
132 |
Preconception lifestyle intervention in obese infertile women is more effective for those with a history of childhood adversity
van Dammen, Lotte |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S10 |
artikel |
133 |
Prenatal adversity and salivary C-reactive protein in children: results: From a low-income, diverse sample
Eiden, Rina Das |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S22 |
artikel |
134 |
Prenatal maternal cortisol programs the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in infants at 6 and 12 months
Hicks, Laurel Marie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S19 |
artikel |
135 |
Psychosocial stressors and hair cortisol in families – the Ulm SPATZ Health Study
Braig, Stefanie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S16 |
artikel |
136 |
PTSD and timing of trauma exposure in shaping the HPA-axis profile in depression
Mayer, Stefanie E. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S50 |
artikel |
137 |
Putting the flight in “Fight-or-Flight”: Testosterone reactivity to skydiving is modulated by autonomic activation
White, Stuart Francis |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S8 |
artikel |
138 |
Race moderates the association between attachment style and diurnal cortisol among young gay and bisexual men
Cook, Stephanie H. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S45 |
artikel |
139 |
Ratio of DHEA/cortisol and its associations with aging and health – Findings from the men's health 40+ study
Lacker, Tim Jonas |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S3 |
artikel |
140 |
Reduced stage 2 sleep in patients with adrenal insufficiency
Lee, Jennifer A. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S37 |
artikel |
141 |
Repressive coping as a confounding factor for sleep measurement
Simon, Shauna |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S37 |
artikel |
142 |
Re-thinking cortisol non-responders: What are the characteristics of non-responders and how should we account for them in analyses?
Smyth, Nina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S52 |
artikel |
143 |
Re-thinking the stress reactivity hypothesis: The importance of blunted responses
Ginty, Annie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S52 |
artikel |
144 |
Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase reactivity and regulation in preterm infants at 23 years
Sullivan, Mary C. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S18 |
artikel |
145 |
Salivary uric acid and telomere length in African American men and women
Lucas, Todd |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S45 |
artikel |
146 |
Salivary uric acid concentrations in young children exposed to prenatal substance use are related to emotion and behavioral problems
Riis, Jenna L. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S46 |
artikel |
147 |
Serotonin transporter allele polymorphism associated with the gut microbiome of adult rhesus monkeys
Rendina, Danielle Nicole |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S34 |
artikel |
148 |
Severe obesity is associated with awakening cortisol, cumulative risk, and protective factors in childhood and adolescence
Rollins, Brandi Y. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S26-S27 |
artikel |
149 |
Sex differences in diurnal cortisol, testosterone and DHEA functioning in incarcerated adolescents
Johnson, Megan |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S27 |
artikel |
150 |
Sleep quality, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and memory processes in healthy individuals
Soria, Virginia |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S36 |
artikel |
151 |
Social contexts and race-related stress: School racial composition and diurnal cortisol
Villaume, Sarah Collier |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S45 |
artikel |
152 |
Social influences on neuroinflammation during cancer treatment
DeVries, A. Courtney |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S59 |
artikel |
153 |
Socioeconomic factors, family stress, and children's hippocampal structure
Merz, Emily C. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S54 |
artikel |
154 |
Specific effects of different types of mental training on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity
Engert, Veronika |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S3-S4 |
artikel |
155 |
Stress effects on emotional memory in middle childhood
Raffington, Laurel |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S46-S47 |
artikel |
156 |
Stress hormone effects on accuracy and generalization of memory
Roozendaal, Benno |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S63 |
artikel |
157 |
Stress immunization? Hair cortisol predicts blunted reactivity to an acute stressor
Sandner, Magdalena Eva |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S6 |
artikel |
158 |
Stress, mitochondria and health: A systematic review and conceptual framework
Picard, Martin |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S48-S49 |
artikel |
159 |
Stress reactivity and perinatal depression risk: The role of father's social support and mother's emotional stability
Kofman, Yasmin B. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S19 |
artikel |
160 |
Symposium: Biological and psychosocial determinants of endocrine-immune balance
Neigh, Gretchen |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S58 |
artikel |
161 |
Symposium: Biological markers of treatment response in stress-related disorders
Schumacher, Sarah |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S54-S55 |
artikel |
162 |
Symposium: Can’t see the wood for the trees: How adopting a multilevel and nonlinear analytical approach may help to better understand the role of acute cortisol response to stress in health problems and well-being
Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S57 |
artikel |
163 |
Symposium: Developmental pathways of risk: The interaction of hormones and the environment
Black, Sarah R. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S43 |
artikel |
164 |
Symposium: Ecologically valid stressors and neuroendocrine activity in the everyday lives of diverse adolescents
Adam, Emma |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S60 |
artikel |
165 |
Symposium: Elizabeth young memorial symposium – stress, depression and the HPA-axis
Abelson, James |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S50 |
artikel |
166 |
Symposium: Endocrine markers and psychosocial factors in women across their reproductive life span: Relevance to mood, sexual function and stress exposure
Andersen, Elizabeth H. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S41 |
artikel |
167 |
Symposium: Exploring the meaning and utility of DHEA and DHEA/cortisol ratios in stress research
Lopez-Duran, Nestor |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S61 |
artikel |
168 |
Symposium: Re-thinking stress reactivity
Turner, Anne Isabella |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S51 |
artikel |
169 |
Symposium: Stress memories: Quantity and quality
Radley, Jason J. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S63 |
artikel |
170 |
Symposium: Understanding the impact of early-life stress on brain structure and HPA axis functioning: A focus on hair cortisol
Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S53 |
artikel |
171 |
Testing the effects of storytelling on cortisol reactivity and psychosocial health in assisted living facility (ALF) residents: A mixed methods approach
Kellas, Jody Koenig |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S10 |
artikel |
172 |
The anti-stress effects of therapy dogs on college students
Orellana, Minerva |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S10 |
artikel |
173 |
The body-oriented therapy has positive effect on executive abilities in children with attention deficit
Kiselev, Sergey |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S9 |
artikel |
174 |
The effects of light exposure on the cortisol awakening response
Petrowski, Katja |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S13 |
artikel |
175 |
The effects of positive feedback on physiological stress responses in the lab
Karnaze, Melissa M. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S35 |
artikel |
176 |
The effects of testosterone on physiological stress response
Kutlikova, Hana Holla |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S4-S5 |
artikel |
177 |
The impact of cortisol treatment on free radical oxidation in traumatized clean-up workers 30 years after chernobyl nuclear disaster
Tseylikman, Vadim |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S32 |
artikel |
178 |
The influence of bullying and victimization on the HPA axis and inflammation: A systematic review
Keheyan, Christina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S28 |
artikel |
179 |
The intricate relationship between stress and sex - findings from the men stress 40+ study
Mernone, Laura |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S30 |
artikel |
180 |
The multiple hit effect: Joint impact of adolescent oral contraceptive use and early adversity on the cortisol awakening response in healthy adult women
Raymond, Catherine |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S21 |
artikel |
181 |
The neural, genetic and behavioural effects of intensive meditation and yoga on prisoners with personality disorders
Buric, Ivana |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S8 |
artikel |
182 |
The relationship between the level of monoamine neurotransmitters and the activity of monoamine oxidase A in the dynamics of PTSD
Tseylikman, Vadim |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S32 |
artikel |
183 |
The role of adult attachment and serotonin transporter genotype on post-awakening cortisol and depression
Ecevitoglu, Alev |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S33 |
artikel |
184 |
The role of bicultural adaptation in Mexican American adolescents’ cortisol reactivity
Johnson, Megan |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S1-S2 |
artikel |
185 |
The role of co-rumination and adrenocortical attunement in young women's close friendships
Rankin, Ashley Marie |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S47-S48 |
artikel |
186 |
The role of maternal prenatal thyroid function on offspring depression: Findings from the ALSPAC cohort
Fetene, Dagnachew Muluye |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S7 |
artikel |
187 |
The role of microsomal oxidation in the regulation of monoamine oxidase -A activity at the brain in the restrain stress paradigm rats
Tseylikman, Vadim |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S34 |
artikel |
188 |
The role of sensitivity to estrogen change in the development of perimenopausal depressive symptoms
Gordon, Jennifer |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S42 |
artikel |
189 |
Toxic stress in adolescence: A person-centered approach
Joos, Celina |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S44-S45 |
artikel |
190 |
Translating the learned helplessness paradigm to study potential resilience mechanisms in humans
Schueler, Katja |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S4 |
artikel |
191 |
Unpredictable maternal sensory signals and child's self-regulation - findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study
Holmberg, Eeva |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S41 |
artikel |
192 |
Unpredictable maternal signals impact children's neurodevelopment
Davis, Elysia P. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S40 |
artikel |
193 |
Using acute stress to improve episodic memory: The critical role of spatial context
Yonelinas, Andrew. P. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S63-S64 |
artikel |
194 |
Utility of virtual reality for physiological stress responsivity
Stiens, Logan Scott |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S13 |
artikel |
195 |
Validation of hair estradiol immuno-assays across the menstrual cycle in emerging adults
Wang, Wen |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S13-S14 |
artikel |
196 |
Weakness in the delayed visuospatial memory in preschool children with ADHD
Kiselev, Sergey |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S33-S34 |
artikel |
197 |
Weekly estradiol fluctuation predicts anxiety symptoms in perimenopausal women
Andersen, Elizabeth |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S42 |
artikel |
198 |
Within-person change in cardiac vagal activity across the menstrual cycle: A meta-analysis
Schmalenberger, Katja M. |
2019 |
100 |
S |
p. S17 |
artikel |