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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cross-cultural study of student self-efficacy profiles and the associated predictors and outcomes using a multigroup latent profile analysis Ma, Yue

71 C p.
2 A scale to measure educators’ musical skills in early childhood education Zarza-Alzugaray, Francisco Javier

71 C p.
3 A scoping review on the notions of Assessment as Learning (AaL), Assessment for Learning (AfL), and Assessment of Learning (AoL) Schellekens, Lonneke H.

71 C p.
4 Complementary assessment in teacher and school leadership training: Necessity, conceptualization and validation Nutov, Liora

71 C p.
5 Development and psychometric evidence of an engagement instrument in the pre-service teacher education context Saini, Charu

71 C p.
6 Differentiating Research-Practice Partnerships: Affordances, Constraints, Criteria, and Strategies for Achieving Success Donovan, M. Suzanne

71 C p.
7 Does inequality in opportunity perpetuate inequality in outcomes? International evidence from four TIMSS cycles Rolfe, Victoria

71 C p.
8 Do organizational variables influence satisfaction with nursing student practices? Fernández-García, David

71 C p.
9 Drivers for student and parent voice in school self-evaluation activities Faddar, Jerich

71 C p.
10 Editorial Board
71 C p.
11 Examining emic viewpoints on a pedagogical development program’s long-term effects using Q methodology Du, Xiangyun

71 C p.
12 Graduate feedback on a teacher education program and school district support: An argument for a continuum of professional learning MacMath, Sheryl

71 C p.
13 Impact of distributed leadership on teacher job satisfaction in China: The mediating roles of teacher autonomy and teacher collaboration Liu, Shujie

71 C p.
14 Knowledge acquisition and environmental values in a microplastic learning module: Does the learning environment matter? Raab, Patricia

71 C p.
15 Models and measures of learning outcomes for non-technical skills in simulation-based medical education: Findings from an integrated scoping review of research and content analysis of curricular learning objectives Hofmann, Riikka

71 C p.
16 Parents’ beliefs about assessment: A conceptual framework and findings from Finnish basic education Nieminen, Juuso Henrik

71 C p.
17 Scale for assessing undergraduates’ interdisciplinary competences related to the smart living industry Chen, Li-Chi

71 C p.
18 Separating PIAAC competencies from general cognitive skills: A dimensionality and explanatory analysis Engelhardt, Lena

71 C p.
19 The dynamic relationship between response processes and self-regulation in critical thinking assessments Hyytinen, Heidi

71 C p.
20 The influence of school type and perceived teaching style on students’ creativity Gu, Xiaojing

71 C p.
21 Working more collaboratively to better understand teaching and its quality: Challenges faced and possible solutions Charalambous, Charalambos Y.

71 C p.
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland