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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Absolute effects of schooling as a reference for the interpretation of educational intervention effects Luyten, Hans

67 C p.
2 Analyzing the effects of mathematical discourse-based instruction on eleventh-grade students’ procedural and conceptual understanding of probability and statistics Legesse, Mekonnen

67 C p.
3 Bilingual education through a pluri-centric approach: A case study of the effects of simultaneously learning two languages on L1 and L2 reading and writing proficiency Tsang, Art

67 C p.
4 Construction and validation of a test to assess (pre-service) teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) Baier, Franziska

67 C p.
5 Creating a forum for researching teaching and its quality more synergistically Charalambous, Charalambos Y.

67 C p.
6 Creativity development in preschoolers: The effects of children’s museum visits and other education environment factors Gong, Xin

67 C p.
7 Development and psychometric properties of rubrics for assessing social-emotional skills in youth Pancorbo, Gina

67 C p.
8 Diagnosing English reading ability in Chinese senior high schools Fan, Tingting

67 C p.
9 Editorial Board
67 C p.
10 Effectiveness and perceived usefulness of follow-up classroom observations after school inspections in Northern Germany Wagner, Inga

67 C p.
11 English as a medium of instruction at a Chilean engineering school: Experiences in finance and industrial organization courses Reus, Lorenzo

67 C p.
12 Ethics across the curriculum: Detecting and describing emergent trends in ethics education Kidd, David

67 C p.
13 Evaluation of construct-irrelevant variance yielded by machine and human scoring of a science teacher PCK constructed response assessment Zhai, Xiaoming

67 C p.
14 Formative peer assessment to enhance primary school pupils’ oral skills: Comparison of written feedback without discussion or oral feedback during a discussion Colognesi, Stéphane

67 C p.
15 HEISQUAL: A modern approach to measure service quality in higher education institutions Abbas, Jawad

67 C p.
16 Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities Lindorff, Ariel

67 C p.
17 Measuring graduate students’ global competence: Instrument development and an empirical study with a Chinese sample Liu, Yang

67 C p.
18 Person misfit, test anxiety, and test-taking motivation in a large-scale mathematics proficiency test for self-evaluation Spoden, Christian

67 C p.
19 Preservice teachers’ attitudes, attributions, and stereotypes: Exploring the disadvantages of students from families with low socioeconomic status Glock, Sabine

67 C p.
20 Professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions Vantieghem, Wendelien

67 C p.
21 Promoting students’ social behavior in primary education through Success for All lessons Veldman, M.A.

67 C p.
22 Role of teacher-related factors and educational resources in science literacy: An international perspective Kalkan, Ömür Kaya

67 C p.
23 Teachers’ grading decisions and practices across cultures: Exploring the value, consistency, and construction of grades across Canadian and Chinese secondary schools Cheng, Liying

67 C p.
24 The impact of the scoring system of a large-scale standardized EFL writing assessment on its score variability and reliability: Implications for assessment policy makers Zhao, Changhan

67 C p.
25 The quality assurance of a national English writing assessment: Policy implications for quality improvement Liu, Yingliang

67 C p.
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland