Assédio moral e gestão de pessoas: uma análise do assédio moral nas organizações e o papel da área de gestão de pessoas.
Assédio moral e gestão de pessoas: uma análise do assédio moral nas organizações e o papel da área de gestão de pessoas.
Antonio Martiningo Filho Marcus Vinicius Soares Siqueira
Verschenen in:
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Jaargang 9 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 11-34
This essay analyses the procedure of moral harassment in organizations and therole of the human resources management area, specially, in practices adopted foridentifying and managing work circumstances factors which may propitiate theappearance of the moral harassment phenomenon. In order to accomplish thisobjective we have used a new point of view, since most researches show the viewof harassed employees, of victims, and in this essay, we have tried to analyze managers’perception of moral harassment in work environment and what is the best way for organizations to avoid this to happen. Since organizations are looking fora more ethical orientation and the improvement of work environment, the discussionof this subject has a huge significance. From this point of view, the analysisidentified that employees feel safer in denouncing cases of moral harassment inenterprises with a clear policy about the subject, with appropriated communicationchannels, with a less hierarchical work structure, and with a respectful and trustfulorganizational climate.