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  Sensory training to evaluate the quality of deviled jam
Titel: Sensory training to evaluate the quality of deviled jam
Auteur: Nayive FERMÍN
Patricia VENERO
Verschenen in: Revista científica UDO agrícola
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2009) nr. 3 pagina's 640-652
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: The training consisted of four phases. Theory phase: 12 panelists were trained with the sensorial evaluation principles. Descriptive phase: the judges were familiarized with the different attributes to be evaluated in different magnitudes: drained oil, yellow-red intensity, graininess, salted, spice and fat or emulsion. A scale of difference was used with a control of 9 categories to measure the intensity of the sensorial attributes and the way how these sensorial attributes were measured. Quantification phase: all quality attributes were measure in different magnitudes; panelists’ variability was determined when three repetitions of the sample were evaluated ( ≤ 1), giving, in general, similar values with the real magnitude evaluated. In this phase, two panelists were eliminated due to their limitation to distinguish among the sample. Verification phase: three samples with three magnitudes of various attributes with two repetitions were given to the other panelists. A multifactorial ANOVA procedure, which showed the panels capacity to discriminate among samples (Significant magnitudes effect ) and showed similar averages to the real magnitude evaluated; and the panel consistency (No significant judges effect), and the consistency in the repetition (No significant repetitions effect), taking as a result a trained panel to determine the deviled jam´s quality, where statistically there was significant difference (p ≤ 0,05) among judges for the spice attribute, however, in both cases ≤ 1.
Uitgever: Universidad de Oriente Press (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 28 van 29 gevonden artikelen
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