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  Seed desiccation tolerance in two native tree species from the Chaco region of Salta (Argentina): Erithryna falcata Benth. and Tecoma garrocha Hieron
Titel: Seed desiccation tolerance in two native tree species from the Chaco region of Salta (Argentina): Erithryna falcata Benth. and Tecoma garrocha Hieron
Auteur: Marta Leronor DE VIANA
María Jesús MOSIARO
Marcelo Nahuel MORANDINI
Verschenen in: Revista científica UDO agrícola
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2009) nr. 3 pagina's 590-594
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: Long-term conservation of plant resources in seed banks depends on the longevity of seeds, their quality, the treatments they are exposed between collection and storage, and storage conditions. Lot of information and research is needed specially for native species about germination requirements, methods for interrupting dormancy, tolerance to desiccation and seed longevity. The aim of this work was to study desiccation tolerance and germinability in two native tree species. The humidity content (HC) was assessed keeping the seeds in oven at 103± 2°C and weghting the samples at regular intervals till constant weight. Germination essays with different HC of the seeds were carried out (fresh, 10-12%, 3-5% and with seed keept for three months at -18°C and at 3-5% HC). The HC of T. garrocha and E. falcata seeds were 11.37% and 16.07%. We conclude that both species seeds are probably ortodox becuase germinability was higher than 50% in all the essays.
Uitgever: Universidad de Oriente Press (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 27 van 29 gevonden artikelen
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