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                                       Details for article 8 of 8 found articles
  Understanding Corporate Entrepreneurship Theory: A Literature Review for Culinary/Food Service Academic Practitioners
Title: Understanding Corporate Entrepreneurship Theory: A Literature Review for Culinary/Food Service Academic Practitioners
Author: Brizek, Michael G.
Khan, Mahmood A.
Appeared in: Journal of culinary science & technology
Paging: Volume 6 (2008) nr. 4 pages 221-255
Year: 2008-12-15
Contents: The practice involving research of corporate entrepreneurship is still within its infancy. Academic practitioners are beginning to find the common linkages between the traits that make up entrepreneurship and their connection to managing organizations within the hospitality and tourism industries. The purpose of this article is to provide an extensive review of literature (from 1934-2003) involving research related to corporate entrepreneurship and organizational entrepreneurial-related activities in order to develop future research related to entrepreneurship in relation to culinary and food service organizational behavior.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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