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  Elder Consumer Preferences of Marketing Strategies in the Human Services
Titel: Elder Consumer Preferences of Marketing Strategies in the Human Services
Auteur: Kaye, Lenard W.
Reisman, Susan I.
Verschenen in: Health marketing quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (1993) nr. 3-4 pagina's 195-210
Jaar: 1993-08-04
Inhoud: The marketing of health and social services to the aged is a relatively recent phenomenon. To explore the role of the older consumer in service marketing, a national analysis of preferred marketing methods in gerontological programs was carried out. Eighteen focus groups comprised of senior center participants (mean = 73.8 years) in six metropolitan areas was conducted (n = 220). Findings document considerable consensus across gender, ethnic, socio-economic, and racial cohorts. Preference was expressed for personal/direct forms of marketing. Regardless of age or level of infirmity, subjects identified with images of active and healthy elders. Sharp distinctions were drawn between marketing conducted by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, as well as between marketing with a "selling" purpose versus that which is primarily informational. Results lead to recommendations for elder service providers on mounting a meaningful program of market initiatives. Supported by a grant from the AARP Andrus Foundation.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 17 gevonden artikelen
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