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  Sex and Scholarship:
Title: Sex and Scholarship:
Author: Pershing, Gwendolyn L.
Appeared in: Behavioral & social sciences librarian
Paging: Volume 6 (1988) nr. 3-4 pages 129-137
Year: 1988-08-09
Contents: The first official transaction of the Institute for Sex Research, when it was incorporated in 1947, was to purchase the research materials and erotica collected by Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey. These materials now form the core of the largest collection of materials relating to human sexual behavior. The library, art, film, and photograph collections are open to qualified scholars and professionals with demonstrable research needs. Although the collections are not open to the general public, access to information contained in the collections is possible through the Information Services Department of the Institute.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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