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  Mothers' Perspectives of the Peer-Related Social Development of Young Children with Developmental Delays and Communication Disorders
Titel: Mothers' Perspectives of the Peer-Related Social Development of Young Children with Developmental Delays and Communication Disorders
Auteur: Guralnick, Michael J.
Connor, Robert T.
Neville, Brian
Hammond, Mary A.
Verschenen in: Early education and development
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2002) nr. 1 pagina's 59-80
Jaar: 2002-01-01
Inhoud: Mothers' perspectives of children's peer-related social development were obtained from matched groups of young children with developmental delays, communicative disorders, and typically developing children. Structured interviews elicited information on numerous issues including mothers' views of the importance of children's social skills development, rationales with respect to why children succeed or had difficulties on specific social tasks, and the socialization strategies mothers employ to promote children's peer-related social development. Mothers also reported on their efforts to arrange play with peers for their child and the degree to which they monitored that play. Results indicated that mothers rated children's social development as highly important, offered primarily internal rationales (e.g., traits, dispositions) for success or difficulties in achieving social tasks, and endorsed moderate and low power socialization strategies. Differences across the three groups were minimal. Mothers arranged play with peers least often for children with developmental delays and communication disorders, but monitored play more extensively for children with delays. These finding were discussed in terms of mothers adopting a developmental orientation to understand children's social development and their implications for maternal participation in peer competence intervention programs.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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