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  Spatial and temporal analysis of pesticides concentrations in surface water: Pesticides atlas
Titel: Spatial and temporal analysis of pesticides concentrations in surface water: Pesticides atlas
Auteur: Vijver, Martina G.
Van 'T Zelfde, Maarten
Tamis, Wil L. M.
Musters, Kees J. M.
De Snoo, Geert R.
Verschenen in: Journal of environmental science and health. Part B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes
Paginering: Jaargang 43 (2008) nr. 8 pagina's 665-674
Jaar: 2008-11
Inhoud: Dutch water boards have a well-established program for monitoring pesticide contamination of surface waters. These monitoring data have been processed into a graphic format accessible online and designed to provide insight into pesticide presence in Dutch surface waters and trends over time: the Pesticides Atlas ( With this tool one can easily get maps of where a pesticide is being measured and where it might possibly constitute an environmental problem over the years. Presently, results of the periods 1997/1998 until 2005/2006 are available at the level of individual active ingredients. At a national level, the percentage of pesticides concentrations that exceed the maximum tolerable risk has declined 30% to 38% over the years 2003/2004 compared with 1997/1998. This means that surface water quality in the Netherlands has improved with respect to pesticides, however there are still many locations at which the measured concentrations exceed the environmental quality standards. The results on linking land use to pesticides concentrations were shown to assist in optimization of monitoring programs. By developing the present Internet tool, many new opportunities for environmental risk assessment and risk management were identified, e.g. optimization of monitoring strategies and communication to policymakers.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 13 van 15 gevonden artikelen
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