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  Soil column experiments used as a means to assess transport, sorption, and biodegradation of pesticides in groundwater
Titel: Soil column experiments used as a means to assess transport, sorption, and biodegradation of pesticides in groundwater
Auteur: Magga, Zoi
Tzovolou, Dimitra N.
Theodoropoulou, Maria A.
Dalkarani, Theodora
Pikios, Konstantinos
Tsakiroglou, Christos D.
Verschenen in: Journal of environmental science and health. Part B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes
Paginering: Jaargang 43 (2008) nr. 8 pagina's 732-741
Jaar: 2008-11
Inhoud: Soil column experiments are used to investigate the fate of three pesticides of high, intermediate, and low solubility in groundwater: N- phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate); O,O-diethyl-S-[(ethylthio)methyl]phosphorodithioate (phorate); (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D). Feed solutions are prepared by adding each pesticide (100 mg/L glyphosate, 50 μ g/L phorate, 50 mg/L 2,4-D) along with conservative tracer, KBr, in synthetic groundwater. The concentration of the pesticides in effluents is detected by ion chromatography (glyphosate, 2,4-D) and GC-FID (phorate). The Br- breakthrough curves are employed to estimate the dispersion coefficient and mean pore velocity in each column. Solute transport and reactive models accounting for equilibrium/non-equilibrium sorption and biodegradation are coupled with inverse modeling numerical codes to estimate the kinetic parameters for all pesticides.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 12 van 15 gevonden artikelen
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