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  Self-government at the Svanholm Collective — learning by doing
Title: Self-government at the Svanholm Collective — learning by doing
Author: Johannessen, Helene
Simonsen, Birgitte
Appeared in: International journal of leadership in education
Paging: Volume 1 (1998) nr. 4 pages 357-377
Year: 1998-10
Contents: The Svanholm Collective was founded in 1978 when 82 adults and 40 children purchased the Svanholm Estate with 988 acres of land, 40 miles from Copenhagen, Denmark. The Collective has been a central force in the movement which has introduced organized organic agriculture and sustainability in Denmark. The Collective has a totally common economy, all income being pooled and all expenses being covered by the Collective, except for a small amount of private pocket money. Svanholm has a collective leadership with the weekly communal meeting as its highest decision-making body. The different working groups are autonomous within the financial boundaries decided upon by the communal meeting in the yearly budget rounds. All decisions depend on consensus (i.e. that everyone must agree). This implies that negotiations must go on until all agree. The members of the collective are average people, from babies to older pensioners, from unskilled to academics, singles, pairs, families and divorced. Children have a very high priority and are integrated as much as possible in daily life and work. Compulsory school is outside Svanholm, but preschool childcare (up to 6 years of age) and after-school activities for older children are arranged collectively. Svanholm-kollektivit blev startet i 1978, da 82 voksne og 40 boern kœbte Svanholm Gods med 400 ha land 60 km fra Kœbenhavn. Kollektivet har været en drivende kraft i den bevæelse der har introduceret og organiseret œkologisk landbrug og bseredygtighed i Danmark. Kollektivit har total fæles œkonomi, dvs. at alle indtægter er fselles, og kollektivet dækker alle udgifter med undtagelse af et mindre privat belœb i lommepenge. Svanholm styres kollektivet med det ugentlige fællesmoede som det oeverste besluttende organ. De forskellige arbejdsgrupper er selvstyrende indenfor de œkomoniske rammer, der fastlægges af fællesmœdet i de aarlige budgetter. Alle beslutninger tages efter konsensus-princippet, dvs. at alle skal være enige. Dette medfcerer at der maaforhandles indtil der ikke er nogen der er saa uenige at de vil gœre brug af deres veto-ret. Medlemmerne af Svanholm udgoer et gennemsnitligt befolkningsudsnit, fra babyer til pensionister, fra ufaglærte til akademikere, enlige, par, familier og fraskilte. Boern har en meget hœj prioritet og integreres mest muligt i kollektivets dagligliv og arbejde. Pligtig skolegang foregaar udenfor Svanholm, men vuggestue, bœrnehave og aktiviteter for stœrre boern efter skoletid arrangeres kollektivt.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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