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                                       Details for article 7 of 9 found articles
  Teacher learning: the way out of the school restructuring miasma
Title: Teacher learning: the way out of the school restructuring miasma
Author: Smyth, John
Mcinerney, Peter
Hattam, Robert
Lawson, Mike
Appeared in: International journal of leadership in education
Paging: Volume 1 (1998) nr. 2 pages 95-109
Year: 1998-04
Contents: The rightful role of teachers in the current wave of educational restructuring around the world reveals that teachers have had less than a prominent role in that. This paper argues that teachers exercise important pedagogical leadership in schools through the way they shape, enact and live the vision and culture of their schools. A particular instance in Australia is described in which sustaining a culture of debate around teaching and learning, and the indigenous structures that support a more politicized view of teacher learning, constitute a crucial expression of how teachers live out an entitlement to speak.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 7 of 9 found articles
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