Failure Analysis of FeCAPs. Electrical Behaviour Under Synchrotron X-Ray Irradiation
Failure Analysis of FeCAPs. Electrical Behaviour Under Synchrotron X-Ray Irradiation
Menou, N. Castagnos, A. -M. Muller, Ch. Johnson, J. Wouters, D. J. Baturin, I. Shur, V. Ya.
Verschenen in:
Integrated ferroelectrics
Jaargang 61 (2004) nr. 1 pagina's 89-95
This paper presents a preliminary study of the degradation and restoration of ferroelectric properties under X-ray irradiation of Pt/SBT/Pt ferroelectric capacitors (FeCAP) and the degradation in Pt/PZT/Pt FeCAPs. The results seem to point out that aging of irradiated capacitors originates from the pinning of domain walls due to trapping of photo-generated carriers at domain boundaries. For SBT FeCAPs, the recovery of a significant switchable polarisation after electrical cycling under X-ray irradiation indicates that the domain walls are probably weakly pinned. In PZT FeCAPs, the fatigue behaviour during X-ray exposure can be explained as a result of X-ray induced acceleration of the bulk screening process due to increasing of the concentration of bulk carriers, which leads to both static and kinetic imprint effects.