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  Entrepreneurs their future business concept and credit rating: an intuitive understanding of a total situation
Titel: Entrepreneurs their future business concept and credit rating: an intuitive understanding of a total situation
Auteur: Green, Erling
Verschenen in: Entrepreneurship & regional development
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1991) nr. 3 pagina's 281-304
Jaar: 1991-07
Inhoud: During the past few years new ventures have grown in Western economies. The evaluations of entrepreneurs play, therefore, a key role for the development of the whole economy. These assessments are made difficult by the lack of terminology and by the lack of a comprehensive view of entrepreneurship, company management, and business concepts. By the use of such an approach and the methods ensuing therefrom communication with superiors in the bank and with the credit applicant would be improved. By means of 17 yes-and-no questions the manager of the branch office of a bank can, however, get an idea of the cause of his impression and his opinion of the possibilities of the entrepreneur. These impressions are often intuitive. Intuition plays, therefore, an essential role for the whole credit decision. An improved terminology and better understanding of the importance of intuition could result in markedly improved credit ecisions and better function of the credit market.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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