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                                       Details for article 10 of 13 found articles
  Separation and somatization in adolescence: Family dynamics and sociocultural aspects of eating disorders
Title: Separation and somatization in adolescence: Family dynamics and sociocultural aspects of eating disorders
Author: Buddeberg-fischer, Barbara
Buddeberg, Claus
Appeared in: Eating disorders
Paging: Volume 3 (1995) nr. 4 pages 351-358
Year: 1995
Contents: Physical development during puberty and the psychosocial process of maturing during adolescence pose a challenge to young people. In dealing with this challenge, vulnerable children often run up against their own limitations. Somatization can be a symbol of an unsuccessful or only partially successful process of adaptation. The high level of psychosomatic symptoms in women, particularly of eating disorders, can point to a tension between biological development and sociocultural ideals.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 10 of 13 found articles
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