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  Poverty, Youth and Training: a study on four countries in Latin America
Titel: Poverty, Youth and Training: a study on four countries in Latin America
Auteur: Gallart, Maria Antonia
Verschenen in: Compare
Paginering: Jaargang 31 (2001) nr. 1 pagina's 113-128
Jaar: 2001-03
Inhoud: There are many challenges confronted by young people from the poorest sectors of Latin America as they struggle to achieve social integration. Since education and employment are fundamental mechanisms that enable people to navigate their lives, opportunities for poor youth in both fields are crucial. The paper suggests that in a context that stresses knowledge as the key instrument for labour market entry, poor youth miss the chance to acquire the necessary skills through formal education. Questions arise as to how far training systems compensate for these limitations and how well their courses are connected with the labour market. They lead to considerations of the institutional arrangements that will facilitate the best possible training for this target population. The research was developed in two stages in four countries, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Argentina. The analysis begins with a quantitative description of the target population of youth in several chosen areas of Latin America, based on household survey data, focused on educational and occupational variables. This is followed by a review of training targeted at this population and a qualitative analysis of institutional case studies in these countries with particular emphasis on Argentina [1].
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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