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  Poverty Power and Partnerships in Educational Development: a post-victimology perspective
Titel: Poverty Power and Partnerships in Educational Development: a post-victimology perspective
Auteur: Hoppers, Catherine A. Odora
Verschenen in: Compare
Paginering: Jaargang 31 (2001) nr. 1 pagina's 21-38
Jaar: 2001-03
Inhoud: An end-of-century critique of the political and economic assumptions underlying five decades of international development assistance conceives it as a system of structural violence that prevented the people of Africa from realising post-colonial self-reliance. New impoverishment through neo-liberal democratisation and the conditionalities attached to structural adjustment, is reducing the quality of life through cuts in hard won economic, social and educational opportunity and their liberatory potential. Moving beyond schooling for sub-ordinate roles in the new society is the current conceptualisation of humans as depoliticised resources interfacing the machines of capitalist enterprise. This links to aid inspired capacity-building initiatives, which undermine the abilities of organisations and states to sustain essential routines and initiate indigenous innovation. At the same time, the victims of colonial and neo-colonial oppression, particularly women and peasants, as victims of other people's progess and mal-development, have unparalled holistic and ecological knowledge of what the production and protection of life is all about. From a post-victimology perspective, theirs are the new voices for liberation and transformation.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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