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  Fuel and lubricant consumption in felling the young oak-hornbeam stands
Titel: Fuel and lubricant consumption in felling the young oak-hornbeam stands
Auteur: Bajić Vojislav
Danilović Milorad
Verschenen in: Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta
Paginering: Jaargang 2002 (2002) nr. 86 pagina's 59-66
Jaar: 2002
Inhoud: Based on the elements of statistical analysis on the dependence of fuel and lubricant consumption on tree diameter, it was assessed that with the increase of tree diameter, the fuel and lubricant consumption in the young oak and hornbeam stands decreases significantly, both in clear felling and in thinning and that the function form Y=exp(a+b x X–1) is the best description of the correlation The consumption of fuel compared to lubricant consumption is almost double, which agrees with the results of the previous studies. Average consumption of fuel and lubricant is 17.43 mL x tree–1, on the plots 20.27 mL x tree–1, average consumption of lubricant per tree on skid roads is 9.4 mL x tree–1, on the plots 11 mL x tree–1. The higher consumption of fuel and lubricant on the plots with selective thinning is the consequence of the longer time needed for the conversion per tree, compared to that in clear felling The consumption of fuel per unit area on the skid roads (clear felling) is 22.9 L x ha–1, on the plots (selective thinning) 7.6 L x ha–1. The consumption of lubricant on the skid roads is 13.3 L x ha–1, on the plots 4.29 L x ha–1. The higher consumption of fuel and lubricant per unit area on the skid roads is due to the difference in the number of trees per unit area Based on the results of the analysis of variance, it was found out that between fuel and lubricant consumption in selective thinning and in felling the trees along tractor skid roads there is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance of 95%. So, for practical purposes, the unique norms of consumption can be established for the stands similar to those in which the study was performed.
Uitgever: Faculty of Forestry (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 15 gevonden artikelen
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