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  Effect of fungus Heterobasidion Annosum (FR) bref. on fir and spruce dying in the region of the NP "Durmitor" and "Biogradska gora"
Title: Effect of fungus Heterobasidion Annosum (FR) bref. on fir and spruce dying in the region of the NP "Durmitor" and "Biogradska gora"
Author: Anđelić Milosav
Appeared in: Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta
Paging: Volume 2002 (2002) nr. 86 pages 49-58
Year: 2002
Contents: Several adverse factors of abiotic and biotic nature affect the vitality and decline of spruce and fir in the region of NP "Durmitor" and NP "Biogradska Gora". The most significant adverse abiotic factor is air pollution. Among the adverse biotic factors, the most significant is by all means the parasitic fungus Heterobasidion annosum. The damage caused by this fungus is especially severe in spruce and fir stands in the region of the NP "Durmitor". The infection intensity is approximately the same in both species. The damage caused by H. annosum is greater in the forests of NP "Durmitor", than in the forests of NP "Biogradska Gora". This can be explained by the fact that spruce and fir stands on Durmitor were felled without maintaining the forest order. In the virgin forest reserve NP "Biogradska Gora" in the past there were no fellings, i.e. the impact of anthropogenic factors was excluded. Fungus H. annosum cannot be eliminated form spruce and fir stands on Durmitor, but the treatment of stumps (immediately after the sanitation felling) with "Penofil" or "Borax" can check the velocity of its spread. In this way, the forest is given an opportunity to form more resistant populations through a long period by natural selection .
Publisher: Faculty of Forestry (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 5 of 15 found articles
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