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  Bisexual Practices
Titel: Bisexual Practices
Auteur: Munoz-Laboy, Miguel A.
Dodge, Brian
Verschenen in: Journal of bisexuality
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2005) nr. 1 pagina's 79-101
Jaar: 2005-04-19
Inhoud: Recent studies indicate that bisexually active Latino and African-American men are at significantly higher risk for HIV/AIDS than exclusively homosexually active men and exclusively heterosexually active men. This two-year ethnographic study was conducted to examine the sexual practices and factors that shape the sexual negotiations of a sample of bisexually active Latino men in order to contribute to the development of more relevant and effective prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections for this target group. Data collection methods involved ethnographic observations and detailed sexual histories of eighteen bisexually active Latino men in the metropolitan New York City area. For the men in this study, tensions between sexual and gender identities, interconnections of power and sexual activity, importance of the family context, and silences produced within social and sexual environments based on notions of “appropriate” masculinity and sexuality were identified as the critical factors influencing the processes of negotiating sexual practices and HIV/STI risk. Based on these findings, we believe masculinity could serve as an effective tool with which to build new and innovative HIV/STI prevention efforts for bisexually active Latino men.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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