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                                       Details van artikel 180 van 198 gevonden artikelen
  The Impact of the Internet on Information Sources Portfolios
Titel: The Impact of the Internet on Information Sources Portfolios
Auteur: Beritelli, Pietro
Bieger, Thomas
Laesser, Christian
Verschenen in: Journal of travel & tourism marketing
Paginering: Jaargang 22 (2007) nr. 1 pagina's 63-80
Jaar: 2007-09-19
Inhoud: This paper contributes to the study of information sourcing behaviour of travellers and, in particular, considers the impact of the WWW on the composition of information sources. The case under study in this paper is the Swiss travelling population, whose consumption behaviour can be characterised as mature. Methodologically, a combined two-step market segmentation is applied, with Step 1 consisting of an a priori segmentation between subjects, assigning either low or high importance to the WWW as a source of information (hence forming two groups), and Step 2 consisting of an a posteriori data-driven segmentation on the basis of all other sources of information within each of the above groups. The information about the clusters is enhanced by a number of profile variables, both with regard to travel situations as well as socio-demographic issues. The results reveal an alignment with earlier studies' findings: that travellers who assign a high importance to the WWW as a source of information tend to be younger and better educated, and they hold either good or very good professional positions or are currently undergoing training of some kind. However, the WWW turns out to be a complementary, rather than a substitutive, source of information; but this depends on the travel situation, such as when it is planned some time in advance, or when people prefer hotel-type accommodation. Printed brochures in combination with the WWW are quite important to people who have longer planning horizons, with more than one quarter of people using them, and when they plan a stay longer than one week. There is also a strong association between the WWW, travel guidebooks and information provided at the destination.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 180 van 198 gevonden artikelen
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