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  Expertise in research-informed clinical decision making: Working effectively with families of children with little or no functional speech
Title: Expertise in research-informed clinical decision making: Working effectively with families of children with little or no functional speech
Author: King, Gillian
Batorowicz, Beata
Shepherd, Tracy A.
Appeared in: Evidence-based communication assessment and intervention
Paging: Volume 2 (2008) nr. 2 pages 106-116
Year: 2008-06
Contents: In this article, we consider what is known about how to work effectively with families of children with disabilities, including those with little or no functional speech. Existing evidence about what families want from services is considered, along with information about how expert therapists practice. Our review indicates the importance of understanding family needs, preferences, and priorities, and of being sensitive to the demands of interventions on family life. The augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) literature is linked to the broader literature, confirming what is known about how to work effectively with families and illuminating the contribution of AAC research to this area of knowledge. In general, the AAC literature highlights the importance of the parent-practitioner relationship, of parental involvement and engagement in the intervention process, and of considering the demands that interventions place on families. We conclude that AAC intervention will benefit from continuing therapist efforts to strengthen the client-practitioner relationship through greater situational understanding and appreciation of family perspectives and life circumstances. Therapists' efforts should also focus on customizing intervention strategies in order to optimize clients' sense of control, meaningfulness, and engagement.
Publisher: Psychology Press
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 5 of 15 found articles
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