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  Globalization and the Christian Idea of a University (Or, the Lexus, the Olive tree, and Higher Education)
Titel: Globalization and the Christian Idea of a University (Or, the Lexus, the Olive tree, and Higher Education)
Auteur: Adrian, William
Verschenen in: Christian higher education
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 299-320
Jaar: 2007-07
Inhoud: Thomas Friedman uses the Lexus and the olive tree as symbols to describe the characteristics and challenges of globalization. They can also be used to describe the issues facing the new “global” university. The Lexus is an appropriate symbol of the American university whose material success has been unrivaled and whose dominant values have increasingly been centered on prestige and funding. It has been a major contributor to globalization, and many countries have adopted its characteristics with the expectation that national economic growth and prosperity would follow. Globalization, however, has overwhelmed and uprooted traditional cultures. Likewise, the olive tree is an appropriate symbol to describe the void that exists in the global university. Education that identifies and roots people of all cultures has been removed from the center of the university to the periphery of the enterprise if not eliminated entirely. This has occurred at a time when the clash of cultures and religions is at the heart of the issues and challenges of globalization. In the new global environment, the Christian idea of a university can address the void evident in modern higher education while contributing to bridging the gap between globalization and traditional cultures.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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