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                            Journal description Chemoecology
                            Journal description evolutionary, mechanistic and environmental approaches to chemically-mediated interactions
evolutionary, mechanistic and environmental approaches to chemically-mediated interactions
Title: Chemoecology
evolutionary, mechanistic and environmental approaches to chemically-mediated interactions
Annotation: Verschijnt 4x per jaar
Later uitg.: Cham : Springer
Ondertitel later: Evolution and mechanisms of the chemical base of ecological interactions
Exemplaar met signatuur: e-Depot Springer. - AANWEZIG: Jrg. 8 (1998)– - mogelijk incompleet
Subject: Milieuchemie
43.12 milieuchemie
Zuivere wetenschappen, geschiedenis der wetenschappen
Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser
Cham : Springer
Number: 1 of 1

 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands