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                            Tijdschrift beschrijving BJA education
                            Tijdschrift beschrijving a joint venture of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK
                            Tijdschrift beschrijving the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, The College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
  BJA education
a joint venture of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK
the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, The College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
Titel: BJA education
a joint venture of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK
the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, The College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
Annotatie: Verschijnt 1x per maand
Met ingang van 2018 uitgever: [Oxford] : Elsevier
Gedrukte versie: BJA education = ISSN 2058-5349
Voortzetting van: Continuing education in anaesthesia, critical care & pain = ISSN 1743-1824
Exemplaar met signatuur: e-Depot Elsevier. - AANWEZIG: Jrg. 15 (2015)– - mogelijk incompleet
Onderwerp: Geneeskunde
Uitgever: Oxford : Oxford University Press
[Oxford] : Elsevier
Volgnummer: 1 van 1

 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland