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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Endothelial basement membrane laminin 511 is essential for shear stress response Di Russo, Jacopo

36 2 p. 183-201
2 Hair follicle stem cell cultures reveal self‐organizing plasticity of stem cells and their progeny Chacón‐Martínez, Carlos Andrés

36 2 p. 151-164
3 Maintaining hair follicle stem cell identity in a dish Sánchez‐Danés, Adriana

36 2 p. 132-134
4 mGluR long‐term depression regulates GluA2 association with COPII vesicles and exit from the endoplasmic reticulum Pick, Joseph E

36 2 p. 232-244
5 Negative regulation of type I IFN signaling by phosphorylation of STAT2 on T387 Wang, Yuxin

36 2 p. 202-212
6 Removing the waste bags: how p97 drives autophagy of lysosomes Seczynska, Marta

36 2 p. 129-131
7 SHARPIN regulates collagen architecture and ductal outgrowth in the developing mouse mammary gland Peuhu, Emilia

36 2 p. 165-182
8 Unloading of homologous recombination factors is required for restoring double‐stranded DNA at damage repair loci Vasianovich, Yulia

36 2 p. 213-231
9 VCP/p97 cooperates with YOD1, UBXD1 and PLAA to drive clearance of ruptured lysosomes by autophagy Papadopoulos, Chrisovalantis

36 2 p. 135-150
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland