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                             9 results found
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1 Collective Health in Brazil and Implementation Science: Challenges and Potentialities Silva, Alice A.

3 4 p. 340-354
2 Critical Time Intervention - Task-Shifting for Individuals with Psychosis in Latin America: A Multi-stakeholder Qualitative Analysis of Implementation Barriers and Facilitators Le, PhuongThao D.

3 4 p. 325-339
3 Evaluating Triple P Program® Implementation Support and Outcomes in the Chilean Childhood Protection System Carrasco, María Ester

3 4 p. 314-324
4 GIRA Special Sections and Issues: Implementation Adaptations During Rapid Change, Implementation in Latin America, and Implementation Practice Bertram, Rosalyn

3 4 p. 311-312
5 Implementation Science and Provision of Better Health Care in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities dos Santos Treichel, Carlos Alberto

3 4 p. 313
6 Implementation Strategies for a Brazilian Policy Aimed at Promoting Breastfeeding and Healthy Complementary Feeding in Primary Care Venancio, Sonia Isoyama

3 4 p. 355-366
7 Implementing the Brazilian Strategy for Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding Promotion: Barriers and Facilitators Melo, Daiane Sousa

3 4 p. 367-379
8 Recommendations for Empowering Partners to Conduct Implementation Research in Latin America to Advance Global Health Van Pelt, Amelia E.

3 4 p. 390-399
9 Searching for Care Excellence in a Brazilian University Hospital: The Evidence Based Nursing Nucleus Sichieri, Karina

3 4 p. 380-389
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands