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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AHHO: Arithmetic Harris Hawks Optimization algorithm for demand side management in smart grids Manzoor, Awais

3 1 artikel
2 An efficient hybrid approach for optimization using simulated annealing and grasshopper algorithm for IoT applications Sajjad, Faria

3 1 artikel
3 An interpolation-based reversible data hiding scheme for internet of things applications Punia, Riya

3 1 artikel
4 Anomaly-based intrusion detection system for IoT application Bhavsar, Mansi

3 1 artikel
5 A pragmatic ensemble learning approach for rainfall prediction Ghosh, Soumili

3 1 artikel
6 arHateDetector: detection of hate speech from standard and dialectal Arabic Tweets Khezzar, Ramzi

3 1 artikel
7 A survey on IoT & embedded device firmware security: architecture, extraction techniques, and vulnerability analysis frameworks Ul Haq, Shahid

3 1 artikel
8 Classification and security assessment of android apps Caushaj, Eralda

3 1 artikel
9 Connectivity in the era of the (I)IoT: about security, features and limiting factors of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces Lipps, Christoph

3 1 artikel
10 Deep edge intelligence-based solution for heart failure prediction in ambient assisted living Hossain, Md. Ishan Arefin

3 1 artikel
11 Feature selection using differential evolution for microarray data classification Prajapati, Sanjay

3 1 artikel
12 Hunger games search optimization with deep learning model for sustainable supply chain management Xu, Zheng

3 1 artikel
13 Innovative and secure decentralized approach to process real estate transactions by utilizing private blockchain Langaliya, Vishalkumar

3 1 artikel
14 Innovative image interpolation based reversible data hiding for secure communication Punia, Riya

3 1 artikel
15 Intelligent surveillance support system Saketh, Meduri

3 1 artikel
16 Internet of things (IoT)-based on real-time and remote boiler fuel monitoring system: a case of Raha Beverages Company Limited, Arusha-Tanzania Ntambara, Boniface

3 1 artikel
17 IoT and radio telemetry based wireless engine control and real-time position tracking system for an agricultural tractor Shrivastava, Prateek

3 1 artikel
18 Is iterative feature selection technique efficient enough? A comparative performance analysis of RFECV feature selection technique in ransomware classification using SHAP Mowri, Rawshan Ara

3 1 artikel
19 Reliable and secure memristor-based chaotic communication against eavesdroppers and untrusted foundries Vishwakarma, Rahul

3 1 artikel
20 Use of Internet of Things in the context of execution of smart city applications: a review Rai, Hari Mohan

3 1 artikel
21 Using a data driven approach for comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment and effective eco design of the Internet of Things: taking LoRa-based IoT systems as examples Quisbert-Trujillo, Ernesto

3 1 artikel
22 Validating algorithms designed for fertilization control in rice farming system Bamurigire, Peace

3 1 artikel
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland