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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Agency through conversational alignment in transnational families: shaping family language policy Istanbullu, Suat

4 9 artikel
2 A phenomenological study of gender stereotyping patterns in preschools in Ghana Boateng, Fred K.

4 9 artikel
3 Comparing household heads’ perception of climate change variability with meteorological trends and understanding mitigation measures to combat the adverse effects in coastal areas of Bangladesh Ahmed, Khandaker Jafor

4 9 artikel
4 Effect of compositional and contextual factors on the perceived importance of environmental change and livelihood sectors in three Caribbean countries Yawson, David Oscar

4 9 artikel
5 Effects of travel time on mode choice for different locations and genders in Ghana Fiagborlo, James Dickson

4 9 artikel
6 Geospatial insights into open defecation vulnerability in Gulumbe, Nigeria Muktar, Abdullahi

4 9 artikel
7 Human capital indicators as influenced by SES, cognitive and non-cognitive skills: evidence from Taiwan’s PISA performance Boman, Björn

4 9 artikel
8 Intra-familial dynamics of knowledge and ignorance experienced by donor-conceived adults in Germany Bauer, Tobias

4 9 artikel
9 Irrational numbers of journal editors and of editorial positions: a threat to society Van Loon, Olaf R.

4 9 artikel
10 Mental Health First Aid experiences: a qualitative investigation into the emotional impact of Mental Health First Aid responsibilities and the significance of self-compassion Cook, Amy

4 9 artikel
11 On the influence of parents and peers on occupational aspirations in Germany under special regard of secondary school track interactions Bittmann, Felix

4 9 artikel
12 PowerPoint-based lectures and students’ experiences in Eritrean Higher Education Institutions Zemuy, Mulugeta

4 9 artikel
13 Pupils’ gendered experiences in the mathematics classroom: “When you’re in a class with such dominant boys, it’s not easy to put yourself forward” Hafeez, Aleena

4 9 artikel
14 Spatial distribution and Clustering of COVID-19 cases reveal the effect of urbanization and population density in Uganda Egeru, Anthony

4 9 artikel
15 The Living Library: a process-based tool for open literature review, probing the boundaries of open science Angerer, Elisabeth

4 9 artikel
16 Uncovering the potentials for public service motivation in Tanzania Lameck, Wilfred Uronu

4 9 artikel
17 Unplugging the threat: how internet addiction among adolescents undermines learning behavior Islam, M. Rezaul

4 9 artikel
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland