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                             17 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Adolescents’ selective exposure to nutrition-related content on the web: understanding the roles of identity-consistent content choice, self-altruism and social support Alam, Md Mahbubul

4 8 article
2 A hybrid approach to analysing large scale surveys: individual values, opinions and perceptions Pileggi, Salvatore Flavio

4 8 article
3 Challenges facing community-based tourism resuscitation at Dzimbabwe cultural tourism centre, Zimbabwe: grass-root perspectives Zhou, Zibanai

4 8 article
4 Development of the Turkish Author Recognition Task (TART) and the Turkish Vocabulary Size Test (TurVoST) Gedik, Tan Arda

4 8 article
5 Ethnic identification of children of new immigrants in Taiwan: the roles of the immediate environment and government policy Tsou, Tzung-Ruei

4 8 article
6 Exploring interreligious dialogue spaces and pathways for peace in Ghana Ibrahim, Mohammed Gadafi

4 8 article
7 From generative hierarchicality to parallel-dialogic syntax: modeling typological protolanguage Zhong, Yihang

4 8 article
8 From humanitarian crisis to burden: understanding the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh Obaidullah, Md.

4 8 article
9 Hygiene management of adolescent female students with disabilities in the special schools of Bangladesh Nadiv, Md. Adnan

4 8 article
10 Institutional dynamics and climate adaptation: unveiling the challenges and opportunities in coastal Bangladesh Rahman, Md. Mafizur

4 8 article
11 Meta-analysis of welfare policy on “food security”: an Indian case (1990–2021) Halder, Somenath

4 8 article
12 Methodological issues: socioeconomic status Chakrabartty, Satyendra Nath

4 8 article
13 Perimeter and area in a math modeling task: exploring preservice teachers’ performance and use of representations Sturgill, Derek Joseph

4 8 article
14 Sense of belonging and students’ engagement in higher education: investigating the factors shaping medical students’ inclusion Zaky, Hany

4 8 article
15 Sexual and reproductive health of Indian women, intimate partner violence and COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis using NFHS-IV and NFHS-V data sets Banerjee (Chatterjee), Tanmoyee

4 8 article
16 The geography of hate crime in California, 2015–18 Lopez, Jose Javier

4 8 article
17 Work life balance and women representation in leadership positions in Ugandan public universities Kyambade, Mahadih

4 8 article
                             17 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands