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                             17 results found
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1 Analysis of textiles fabric piracy: a study among consumers in Accra Senayah, William Kwesi

4 6 article
2 An application of the PLS-SEM model for evaluating e-learning user satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic Ali, Nazim

4 6 article
3 Development of critical reflexive skills among pre-service language teachers in Greek higher education: weaknesses and challenges Oikonomakou, Marianthi

4 6 article
4 Explaining research performance: investigating the importance of motivation Svartefoss, Silje Marie

4 6 article
5 Exploring the relationships between learners’ social and cognitive presence patterns and peer support in digital social reading Huang, Xiaoshan

4 6 article
6 Gender-differentiated capture of agro-based climate adaptation interventions: implications for agricultural systems and practices in Cameroon’s Western highlands Awazi, Nyong Princely

4 6 article
7 Is e-business breaking down barriers for Bangladesh’s young female entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study Sarker, Md. Fouad Hossain

4 6 article
8 Optimizing flood risk modelling with high-resolution remote sensing data and analytic hierarchy process Yiran, Gerald Albert Baeribameng

4 6 article
9 Principal component analysis for constructing socio-economic composite indicators: theoretical and empirical considerations Mazziotta, Matteo

4 6 article
10 Quiet advocacy: the stealthy activism of Indian interest groups in the USA Tripathi, Aparna

4 6 article
11 Secondary students’ utilization of facebook for academic learning and creating social awareness in Nepal Ghimire, Surendra Prasad

4 6 article
12 Spatial variation in literacy among the Muslim population: a block level scenario of Uttar Dinajpur District, West Bengal, India Majumdar, Nishikanta

4 6 article
13 Strategies used by Information and Communication Technology tertiary students to deal with sexual harassment during work-related learning period in Zimbabwe Tsokota, Theo

4 6 article
14 Students’ attitude towards use of ICT as tool of learning: a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach Ria, Tasfia Zahan

4 6 article
15 The art of collecting reproductive health-related information in patriarchal communities Muheirwe, Florence

4 6 article
16 Throwing the baby away with the bathwater: dynamics of intra-party wrangling and “primary penalty” in Ghanaian politics Asamoah, Kwame

4 6 article
17 Work-life balance: redefining and rethinking the support framework Yao, Yuxuan

4 6 article
                             17 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands