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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Affirmative action for women representation on boards of public sector organizations in Uganda: What is the necessity? Namuddu, M. Regis

4 10 artikel
2 Assessment of the impact of chemical security measures on domestic terrorism: a study of Boko Haram’s use of precursor chemicals in Nigeria Ubani, Ejike

4 10 artikel
3 Climate change denial theories, skeptical arguments, and the role of science communication La, Viet-Phuong

4 10 artikel
4 Exploring research topics and trends in early childhood education using structural topic modeling Methlagl, Michael

4 10 artikel
5 Exploring trends and patterns in traffic safety culture of pedestrians: a bibliometric analysis Ishrath, Nadiya

4 10 artikel
6 Factors determine the first and second level of digital divide in rural Bangladesh Siddiquee, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain

4 10 artikel
7 Factors shaping female migrants to informal sector in Bangladesh Zaman, Noshin Tasnim

4 10 artikel
8 Hiding in the shadows: a qualitative exploration of women gamers identities and perceptions of the video gaming context Scidone, Emelia

4 10 artikel
9 Investigating employment of AI arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration according to UNCITRAL Model Law (1985) Sotoudeh, Mohammad Sadegh

4 10 artikel
10 Localisation of SDGs in Privately Owned Universities: perceptions from academics and students at Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University Kabonga, Itai

4 10 artikel
11 Social construct impacts on suicidal behavior: a case study of Northern Pakistan Noor, Nahida

4 10 artikel
12 Social protection schemes for mother and children in Odisha: a matched-gap analysis Pradhan, Jalandhar

4 10 artikel
13 Technology-supported problem-based learning in mathematics education for pre-service teachers: a systematic literature review Kirabo, Esther

4 10 artikel
14 The effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on the speaking fluency and accuracy of adult ESL learners: a study on trainee teachers in West Bengal Hasnain, Shazia

4 10 artikel
15 The enigmatic path of political transition in the Horn of Africa Asrat, Gizachew

4 10 artikel
16 The helplessness of non-governmental organizations in breaking the cycle of poverty Piri, Sedigheh

4 10 artikel
17 Why don’t former female athletes have kids? Exploring career and post-career paths in elite sport in Switzerland Longchamp, Philippe

4 10 artikel
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland