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                             36 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accuracy of self-evaluation in a peer-learning environment: an analysis of a group learning model Aminu, Nasir

1 7 artikel
2 A framework for Maritime English language planning in Bangladeshi maritime education and training institutes Ahmmed, Raju

1 7 artikel
3 A study of academic achievement in mathematics after the transition from primary to secondary education Ryan, Veronica

1 7 artikel
4 Can group rights justify the denial of education to children? The Amish in the United States as a case study Cohen-Almagor, Raphael

1 7 artikel
5 Capturing who participates and how: the stability of classroom observations using EQUIP Reinholz, Daniel L.

1 7 artikel
6 Chinese parent's mediating practices in their children's learning: the case of Chinese immigrant parents in Greece Sorkos, Georgios

1 7 artikel
7 Conflicting urban land uses at the fringes: issues and experiences of peri-urban farmers in an urbanizing city in Ghana Toku, Alfred

1 7 artikel
8 Cultural differences in geographic mobility readiness among business management students in Germany and Spain ahead of graduation Baluku, Martin Mabunda

1 7 artikel
9 Cyber blame and social theory Hanson, Barbara

1 7 artikel
10 Demanding proper payment in extremely vulnerable labor markets:gender differences in the prevalence of violence Cid, Alejandro

1 7 artikel
11 Development disparities across urban localities of Maharashtra: a multilevel analysis Mohanty, Sanjay K.

1 7 artikel
12 Effects of emotion-related stereotype messages on young women’s experience and expression of emotion DePretis, Rebekah

1 7 artikel
13 Evangelicals in the Latin American political arena: the cases of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay Sotelo, María Victoria

1 7 artikel
14 Examining relationships among student perception of social support, school belonging, relatedness, and effort in Muslim majority communities Saroughi, Maryam

1 7 artikel
15 Exploring the relationship between distinct identity formation and urban climate displacees in a post-migration context Mukaddim, Syed

1 7 artikel
16 Fake reviews on online platforms: perspectives from the US, UK and EU legislations Martínez Otero, Juan María

1 7 artikel
17 How do teachers’ perceptions of climate change vary in terms of importance, causes, impacts and mitigation? A comparative study in Bangladesh Chowdhury, Mohammed Thanvir Ahmed

1 7 artikel
18 Institutional stakeholders’ perceptions of a sustainable neighbourhood in metropolitan Lagos Adewumi, Ayomikun S.

1 7 artikel
19 Integrated care competencies: Self-assessment by graduate counseling students Asempapa, Bridget

1 7 artikel
20 Letting Nietzsche inside schools? Educational potential and an acknowledgement of the optimism of his philosophy Skordis, Ioannis

1 7 artikel
21 Life satisfaction and sustainability: a policy framework Barrington-Leigh, Christopher P.

1 7 artikel
22 Mathematics learning strategies of high school students in Nepal Khanal, Bishnu

1 7 artikel
23 Negative findings of the handwriting legibility effect: the explanatory role of spontaneous task-specific debiasing Ruusuvirta, Timo

1 7 artikel
24 Non-offending fathers and children’s risk in severe child maltreatment cases Ben-David, Vered

1 7 artikel
25 Prevalence of kodokushi (solitary deaths) in the Tokyo metropolitan area Toyama, Shogo

1 7 artikel
26 Promoting active learning in medical education using the peer teaching model: perceptions of senior medical students Sukrajh, Verona

1 7 artikel
27 Relationship between minimalism, happiness, life satisfaction, and experiential consumption Matte, Juliana

1 7 artikel
28 Rural population and global citizenship: information, media and opinions on world problems Gómez-Quintero, Juan David

1 7 artikel
29 Statelessness, forced migration and the security dilemma along borders: an investigation of the foreign policy stance of Bangladesh on the Rohingya influx Rahman, Mohammad Sajedur

1 7 artikel
30 Status and utilization of child health and nutritional services among low-income urban households in Bangladesh Islam, M. Rezaul

1 7 artikel
31 Students’ perspective on higher educators: interpersonal relationship matters Saidi, Ladan Ghazi

1 7 artikel
32 Teaching–learning process in low-fee-private schools: perspectives of parents and school management Dar, Wahid Ahmad

1 7 artikel
33 The end of a never-ending story of attempts to define neologisms? Oreški, Jurica

1 7 artikel
34 The impact of emergency remote teaching on a blended engineering course: perspectives and implications for the future Thurab-Nkhosi, Dianne

1 7 artikel
35 Urban expansion and rural landscape transformations in selected communities of Obafemi Owode local government area of Ogun State Nigeria Oladehinde, Gbenga John

1 7 artikel
36 Women in leadership: a study of five Kenyan principals and their challenges as leaders Hockett, Eloise

1 7 artikel
                             36 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland