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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cross-national analysis of cultural representations in English textbooks used in China and Germany Zhang, Xiao

1 4 artikel
2 A local English: not Chinglish but China English: evidence from Chinese university English classrooms Li, Chen

1 4 artikel
3 An analysis of major and career decision-making difficulties of exploratory college students in a Mid-Atlantic University Atuahene, Francis

1 4 artikel
4 A sociological analysis of Tibetan language policy issues in China Jia, Luo

1 4 artikel
5 Blended learning pedagogy and the development of digital competences among teacher trainees in a predominantly face-to-face teacher education program Buluma, Alfred

1 4 artikel
6 Education, poverty and social exclusion: assessment of youth leaving care Modi, Kiran

1 4 artikel
7 Engaging in narrative inquiry ethically and honorably Azzahrawi, Rawia

1 4 artikel
8 Examining the family dynamics of the Canadian gender income gap Buchanan, Tom

1 4 artikel
9 Images of the university vocation territory: a case from Valparaíso, Chile Jiménez-Peralta, Maite

1 4 artikel
10 Immobility and socio-economic marginalisation: a feminist critique of conservation-induced displacement and resettlement with the case of the Baka of Cameroon Awuh, Harrison Esam

1 4 artikel
11 Influence of school culture on pedagogical knowledge sharing between an education student and a training teacher Caskova, Katerina

1 4 artikel
12 Modelling gender differences in participation in PhD studies in mathematics Sumpter, L.

1 4 artikel
13 Organizational empowerment: a study of community-based welfare organizations for North Korean youth refugees in South Korea Kim, Sook Hyun

1 4 artikel
14 Pathways to institutional transformation at HBCUs: recommendations from HBCU Black women STEM Faculty Lee, Anna

1 4 artikel
15 Planned organizational change in a professional learning community: implementation and experimentation of a practice-driven decision-making process using local multisource data Villeneuve, André

1 4 artikel
16 Previous knowledge and difficulties in the study of public administration among undergraduates in African universities Awaah, Fred

1 4 artikel
17 Technagogy-enhanced continuing professional development (CPD) for health professionals: design and evaluation Ong, Irvin L.

1 4 artikel
18 The effect of Black educators on Black students’ beliefs towards mathematics Ware, Kendall

1 4 artikel
19 The Momo Challenge: measuring the extent to which YouTube portrays harmful and helpful depictions of a suicide game Kobilke, Lara

1 4 artikel
20 The relationship between Turkish children’s respect for differences and their attitude toward refugee children Aydoğdu, Fatih

1 4 artikel
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland