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                             14 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Being overweight and its association with risky sexual behaviour among female youth in Ghana Christian, Aaron Kobina

1 3 article
2 Cultural values predict national COVID-19 death rates Ruck, Damian J.

1 3 article
3 Designing an innovative educational toolbox to support the transition to new technologies Leligou, Helen C.

1 3 article
4 Do access control features reduce perceived risk of property victimisation? Insights from residential neighbourhoods in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana Frimpong, Louis Kusi

1 3 article
5 Exploring children’s writing development in response to transition from pre-school to primary context in Turkish classrooms Yiğit-Gençten, Vahide

1 3 article
6 Implementing a university-wide strategy for assessing graduate qualities in the health sciences: three key design issues Hendry, Graham D.

1 3 article
7 Teacher-perceived developmental predictors of family involvement in prekindergarten Banse, Holland W.

1 3 article
8 The attitudes of elementary and middle school students and teachers towards online learning during the corona pandemic outbreak Masry-Herzallah, Asmahan

1 3 article
9 The corrective social function of performative comedy demonstrated on two instances Tapley, Robin

1 3 article
10 The impact of changing economic conditions in the context of postponement of parenthood in three countries of former Yugoslavia: application of the LASSO model Miladinov, Goran

1 3 article
11 The international context of the Cold War in East Asia: processes of security and economic co-operation between alliances Lee, Junghoon

1 3 article
12 Theory of language: a taxonomy Austin, Patrik

1 3 article
13 The power of assessment feedback in teaching and learning: a narrative review and synthesis of the literature Adarkwah, Michael Agyemang

1 3 article
14 Understanding teachers through their life journey, their ambitions and their practices Verevi, Alkistis

1 3 article
                             14 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands