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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correction to: Implementing ‘real’ change: a Bourdieusian take on stakeholder reflections from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project in Uruguay Wescott, Holly

1 12 artikel
2 Differential impact, differential adjustments: diverse experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic by college students in an Upper-Midwestern University, USA Karikari, Isaac

1 12 artikel
3 Difficult to define, easy to understand: the use of genre categories while talking about music Cerati, Gabriele

1 12 artikel
4 Forest management and conservation under the REDD + initiative: community perspectives across an altitudinal gradient in the Rubeho Mountain Ecosystem in Tanzania Uisso, Amani J.

1 12 artikel
5 Global Chinese migration in geographical perspective: a Kolkata (Calcutta) case study Roy, Kunaljeet

1 12 artikel
6 Implementing ‘real’ change: a Bourdieusian take on stakeholder reflections from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project in Uruguay Wescott, Holly

1 12 artikel
7 Importance of incorporating cosmopolitan and multicultural principles in education in Canada Lucin, Bianca

1 12 artikel
8 Intra-household decision-making and perceived climate change resilience among smallholder farmers in semi-arid northern Ghana Batung, Evans

1 12 artikel
9 Of preaching water and drinking wine: the role of administration in academic integrity Griffith, Nathan D.

1 12 artikel
10 Perceptions of the sport leadership labyrinth through the career pathways of intercollegiate women administrators Darvin, Lindsey

1 12 artikel
11 Project-based engineering learning in college: associations with self-efficacy, effort regulation, interest, skills, and performance Wu, Liang Li

1 12 artikel
12 Socio-legal implications of Muslim–Christian conjugal relations in contemporary Zongo communities in Accra Owoahene-Acheampong, Stephen

1 12 artikel
13 The construct validity of student engagement in selected Indian business schools: a confirmatory factor analysis approach Mistry, Janki

1 12 artikel
14 The impact of organizational trust on the performance of police departments Kraig, Adriana

1 12 artikel
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland